Kinesiology Career Pathways
UTEP Kinesiology students interested in joining clinical Doctorate programs like Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Medical School, Physician Assistant, Etc., are in a very competitive position given the extensive range of courses offered in the Exercise Science concentration.
According to the American Physical Therapy Association, many of the content areas covered in a typical Physical Therapy Program are introduced in the Kinesiology (exercise science) major:
- Anatomical Kinesiology
- Exercise Physiology
- Biomechanics
- Motor Behavior
- Motor Development
- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary systems
- Metabolic functioning
- Evidence based practices
- Scientific principles of strength and conditioning
According to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), Kinesiology/Exercise Science is the most common discipline accepted each year to Physical Therapy programs around the country