Fast-Track Dual-Credit BS/MS Program
The Fast-Track Dual-Credit Program enables outstanding undergraduate UTEP students to receive dual undergraduate and graduate credit for up to 15 hours of UTEP course work as determined by participating Master's and Doctoral programs. Not all undergraduate programs have elected to participate in the Fast Track option, so students should see their departmental graduate advisor for information about requirements and guidelines.
Application Requirements:
1. This program is intended for UTEP students who are interested in transitioning from a Bachelor's degree to a graduate degree. A student who has previously earned a Bachelor's degree may not apply to this program.
2. To be considered for the Fast Track Program, students need to complete a Graduate School application. Once the Graduate School clears the application based on the recommendations of the intended graduate program, students will be assigned a fast track code until the Bachelor's degree is conferred. The student will be subsequently admitted as a new student in the graduate program.
3. Students must have successfully completed at least 90 hours of undergraduate coursework toward their major with a minimum of 24 of those hours at UTEP.
4. Students must have and maintain the same GPA requirement in the major as for the university honor's certificate, which is an undergraduate GPA of GPA equal or greater than 3.30.
5. Participating graduate programs may have additional requirements including specific GRE scores and undergraduate coursework preparation.
Apply online to the corresponding graduate program. Complete the form below and submit it to the Graduate School after provisional admission into the Full-Time MBA Program. The Graduate School will process the enrollment. Please submit one form per semester. Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree you will be considered for full admission into the MBA program.