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Substance Use Disorder

Substance use dis
order (SUD) is the recurrent and reckless use of alcohol and or drugs. The habit of abusing these drugs or alcohol has been shown to change our brain chemistry. As a result, a person’s ability to make decisions is hindered and the craving for these substances can lead to a vicious cycle and ultimately, addiction. Substance use is physically dangerous and the dependence can lead to many health problems such as:

  • a weakened immune system

  • increased risk of heart conditions

  • liver damage or failure

  • seizures, stroke and widespread brain damage

  • death

Not only does substance use affect health, but it also affects basic functioning, personal relationships, and mental health. If you are concerned about a friend or yourself, remember it is important to seek help and support as soon as possible.

There are many treatment options offered in the community, to find yours visit


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