Combining Latin American and Border Studies with Certificates
Students: Please take notice of this new opportunity.
The LABS MA requires three courses (5301, 5302, and 5390). Beyond this, it requires seven courses (either two courses for thesis and five for electives, or all seven as electives). We have a new program that allows you to fulfill these electives with a certificate offered by another department. Normally, we require electives to (a) be related to Latin America or border topics and (b) have one cluster of related courses (four without a thesis, three with a thesis).
Our policy now will consider a certificate (from the list below) (a) to be acceptable within the LABS focus, because the certificates include practical employment skills and we encourage our students to acquire such knowledge if they so choose; and (b) the certificate inherently forms a cluster of courses.
Cautions: You still need to apply to be admitted to the certificate. We cannot guarantee this. Likewise, a certificate may delay your graduation, depending on obtaining required courses, and a certificate of six courses (only) may interact with the two courses for a thesis to result in a degree plan that is longer than the normal ten courses (3 plus 6 plus 2).
In summary:
Get clearance from the LABS Graduate Advisor:
Apply for admission to the certificate.
Your degree plan will be:
Three core courses in LABS
Courses in certificate (four to six)
Other electives as needed to complete ten courses (two courses may be thesis)
Certificates approved to accompany the LABS MA:
Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security (5 courses)
Important note: use the degree plan at the bottom of the page, not the one on top.
Graduate Certificate in Intelligence and National Security Studies (5 courses)
Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies (5 courses)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health (5 courses)
Graduate Certificate in Teaching History (6 courses)
Graduate Certificate in Technical and Professional Writing
Graduate Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning (5 courses)
Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies (4 courses)