CIBS Research
The Center for Inter-American and Border Studies conducts and facilitates research across a range of topics. Each affiliated faculty member has his/her own research program which can be viewed on the individual faculty pages.
In addition, the Center organizes larger research projects. In recent years these have included the following:
- Border Demography, a series of investigations examining the population of the borderlands. Some of the specific topics have included the dynamics of migration to and from the border zone (for publications, see the faculty page for Leticia Fernández), and the access to health services on the US-Mexico border. One of the principal questions of the latter is the degree to which identity influences access to health services in El Paso or in Cd. Juárez, as opposed to cost.
- Border Health Issues, a series of investigations examining patterns of access to/use of health services. The largest of these is the Border Contraceptive Access Study.
- Border Governance, a series of projects examining border governance in the context of both national structures and priorities and local interests and processes. See the faculty webpages for Irasema Coronado and Tony Payán.
- Border Economics, investigations of trends and underlying factors governing the border economy. See the faculty page for Thomas Fullerton, and the Border Regional Modeling Project
Resources on these pages include: