Sasha Pimentel (Associate Professor)

Born in Manila, Philippines and raised in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, Sasha Pimentel is the author of For Want of Water (Beacon Press, October 2017), selected by Gregory Pardlo as winner of the 2016 National Poetry Series and longlisted for the 2018 PEN/Open Book Award. Her poems and essays have recently appeared in The New York Times Sunday Magazine, PBS News Hour, The American Poetry Review, New England Review, Guernica, Lit Hub, Poets & Writers and She is also the author of Insides She Swallowed (West End Press, 2010), winner of the 2011 American Book Award. You can visit
She’s an Associate Professor of poetry and creative nonfiction to students from across the Americas in a bilingual (Spanish-English) MFA Program at the University of Texas at El Paso, on the border of Ciudad Juárez, México, and winner of the University of Texas system’s 2015 Board of Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award. She will be the holder of the Picador Guest Professorship for Literature at Leipzig University, Germany for the winter 2017-2018 term.
Nacida en Manila y criada en los EE.UU. y Arabia Saudita, Sasha Pimentel es una poeta filipina y autora de For Want of Water (Beacon Press, octubre 2017), seleccionado por el ganador del premio Pulitzer juez Gregory Pardlo como ganador del 2016 National Poetry Series, ademas de estar en la lista del 2018 PEN/Open Book Award. Sus poemas y ensayos recientemente han aparecido en The New York Times Sunday Magazines, PSB News Hour, The American Poetry Review, New England Review, Guernica, Lit Hub, Poets & Writers and Es autor de Insides She Swallowed (West End Press, 2010), ganador del 2011 American Book Award.
Ella es Profesor Asociado e imparte clases de poesia y cronica a estudiantes de todo America en el programa bilingue del MFA en The University of Texas at El Paso, ubicado en la frontera con Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Tambien ha ganado el University of Texas system’s 2015 Board of Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award. Ademas, recibio el Picador Guest Professorship for Literature at Leipzig University, Alemania, para el periodo invierno 2017-2018. Puede visitar
Faculty Profile
Contact Info
Department of Creative Writing
University of Texas at El Paso
University Towers, 510G
500 West University Ave.
El Paso, TX 79968
Syllabus Sample
- Foundational Techniques of Poetry 3363
- Reading and Writing Poetry 3375
- Forms and Techniques of Poetry
- Major Works and Influences
- Demons and Angels: Images of Spirits and Creative Energy in Literature