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Kelly Hall, 7th floor, West Wing
2101 Sun Bowl Drive
500 W University Ave (general address)
El Paso, TX 79968

  Main: 915-747-7935 (General Inbox)

UTEP's REAS’ Policies for Contracting Evaluation Services  outlines the guidelines for contracting services for all externally funded projects requiring and independent or external evaluation.

A few of the Principle Investigator's responsibilities include:

  • Seeking, negotiating, and securing evaluation services as required by the funding agency.
  • Obtaining a  Statement of Work from the evaluating Contractor and ensuring that the services/products rendered by the Contractor meet the criteria agreed upon in it.
  • Having a  Services Agreement signed by the independent evaluation contractor.
  • Describing data collection and evaluation activities in the IRB proposal and ensuring data used in the evaluation reports are accurate and reliable.

Please be sure to refer to UTEP's  Policy for Contracting Evaluation Services for a complete list of everything for which a PI is responsible.

Independent evaluation contractors: