UT System Student Regent
Student Government Association is looking for students who are interested in serving as the UT System Student Regent. The Student Regent serves as a non-voting member of the UT System Board of Regents and provides a student perspective on various issues.
Serving from June 1, 2025 until May 31, 2026 of each year, a student, nominated through the student government of each institution and appointed by the Governor, will serve on the UT System Board of Regents as a non-voting student representative. This is the only student representative to represent all 13 UT system schools, so it is a prestigious honor to serve all the students in the entire system. The UT System Student Regent has the same rights as a regularly appointed board member, except the right to vote or to be counted toward a quorum. The student regent represents the student perspective on major initiatives for the UT System.
Be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at your current institution.
- If appointed, the student must maintain enrollment at your current institution during the full term of their appointment (June 1, 2025 – May 31, 2026).
Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
- Be in "good standing" with the University (as certified by the Registrar's Office)
Be willing to travel to attend regularly scheduled, called, and training meetings
- Maintain a state-wide perspective on higher education
Serve from June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026
Submit completed application through the UTEP Minetracker program using the designed SGA online form for UT System Student Regent Application.
- Make sure to include any attachments requested in the online form.
- Make sure to include any attachments requested in the online form.
- Office of the Governor Appointment Application
- Copy of your updated Resume
- Copy of your UTEP and other university Unofficial Transcripts
- Must be available for an interview in early November
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT FOR 2024 NOMINATION: Sunday, November 3, 2024 by 5pm
- Apply now to the University of Texas System website for more information about the Student Regent position.
- Questions, email sga@utep.edu or call 915-747-5584.