Degree Plan
The minimum number of credits required to complete this degree is 60 semester credit hours (SCH) with the following course of study:
Core Courses (27 SCH)
Students in the program are required to take seven Core Courses and one Core Elective:
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Sciences
- Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences I
- Theories in Health Sciences I
- Theories in Health Sciences II
- Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences
- Dissertation I
- Dissertation II (taken a minimum of two semesters or until final defense)
- Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences II
- Advanced Research Methods
- Scientific and Grant Writing
Elective Courses (33 SCH)*
- Independent Study**
- Directed Study**
- Research Applications**
- Special Topics in the Health Sciences**
*18 of the 33 elective SCH must be interdisciplinary, with the remaining 15 SCH being within the student's area of study
**These courses may be repeated once as long as the topic varies.
All other courses offered at the graduate or doctoral level at UTEP, or graduate courses at the UT Houston School of Public Health El Paso campus, may be used to meet elective course requirements, as approved by the student's faculty mentor, the IHS PhD Program, and the respective department offering the course. Graduate courses in the College of Health Sciences may be used to fulfill this requirement. Graduate courses from other UTEP departments may also fulfill this requirement.
Special Requirements for the Program
Students must complete dissertation research under the supervision of their dissertation committee chair and committee members. The research will be on applied and clinical health topics and may be descriptive (e.g., survey or qualitative research), mechanistic, or prevention or intervention trials. The required doctoral dissertation must describe an empirical study that is an original work of scholarship that makes a unique contribution to the literature. The student must publicly defend his/her dissertation research; the dissertation committee will administer the oral defense.
Admission to Candidacy
Successfully defending the dissertation proposal is required for admission to candidacy.
Program of Study for IHS Ph.D. Program
The chart below incorporates the programs of study for both full-time and part-time students. Full time is defined as taking three courses each long semester (fall and spring) and one course in summer; part time is defined as taking two courses each long semester (fall and spring) and one course in summer.
Year 1 |
Fall Semester CHSC 6305 - Quantitative Methods I CHSC 6307 - Interdisciplinary Research in Health Sciences Elective course for full-time students
Spring Semester CHSC 6303 - Theories in Health Sciences I Core Elective Course Additional elective course for full-time students Summer Semester Elective course(s) optional
Year Two |
Fall Semester CHSC 6304 - Theories in Health Sciences II CHSC 6302 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Sciences Elective course for full-time students |
Spring Semester Three elective courses (full-time) Two elective courses (part-time) Summer Semester Elective course(s) optional |
Year Three |
Fall Semester Three elective courses (full-time) Two elective courses(part-time)
Spring Semester CHSC 6398 - Dissertation I (full-time) Two elective courses (part-time) Summer Semester CHSC 6399 - Dissertation II (full-time)
Year Four |
Fall Semester CHSC 6399 - Dissertation II (full-time) Elective courses (part-time)
Spring Semester CHSC 6398 - Dissertation I (part-time) Summer Semester CHSC 6399 - Dissertation II (part-time) |
Year Five |
Fall Semester CHSC 6399 - Dissertation II (part-time)
Subsequent Semesters Dissertation sections to final defense