Bachelors of Science in Education with a Concentration in Early Childhood Care & Education (Birth to Age 5)
Program Description:
The Bachelor of Science in Education- Early Childhood Care and Education degree [BSED-ECCE] can be completed fully online. This degree prepares educators to serve young children birth to five years of age [0-5] in varied settings, including Head Start programs, child-care centers, family daycare setting, and community and child well-fare programs. Students who complete the BSED-ECCE degree gain the knowledge and skills needed to optimize the health, development, education, and well-being of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers through developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. This is a non-licensure concentration.
The BSED-ECCE degree requires students to complete:
- The Core Curriculum (42 credits)
- Required College of Education Courses (45 credits), and
- 33 credits of electives (determined in consultation with academic advisor).
All College of Education Required Coursework require a combined minimum grade point of 3.0. A total cumulative grade point of 2.75 or higher is required for this degree program.
Transfer Partnership with El Paso Community College: El Paso Community College [EPCC] and UTEP have created a formal transfer partnership for this degree. Students can start their academic work at EPCC, earning an Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation (All Grade Levels). All 60 credits of the EPCC Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation (All Grade Levels) transfer to UTEP, fulfilling the Core Curriculum requirement plus an additional 18 credits of required/elective coursework. Students then complete an additional 60 credits of required and elective coursework in the Early Childhood Care & Education, Birth to Age 5 [ECCE] concentration, for a total of 120 credits to earn the Bachelor of Science in Education. Have Questions about the EPCC Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation (All Grade Levels) degree, contact the program coordinator, Professor Isela Castanon Williams at If you are ready to apply to EPCC to earn your Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation (All Grade Levels) degree, go here. Have Questions about the UTEP Bachelor of Science in Education-Early Childhood Care & Education degree, please contact If you already have an Associate Degree from EPCC or if you have an Associate Degree from another accredited college in any content area, then you are ready to immediately apply to the bachelor’s degree at UTEP. To apply to UTEP to earn your Bachelor of Science in Education-Early Childhood Care & Education degree, go here. For questions regarding applying to UTEP or transfer questions, please contact an enrollment counselor at UTEP Admission Deadline Dates: |
Financial Aid Available:
All students seeking the EPCC Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation (All Grade Levels) program and the UTEP Bachelor of Science in Education-Early Childhood Care & Education program are encouraged to apply for federal financial aid grants/ scholarships by completing a FAFSA application. For more information, please click here.