Giving to UTEP
Why we need your support
State funding alone cannot support the University’s sustained mission to provide access to an excellent education, and external funding from both public and private sources allows UTEP to not only provide higher education pathways for deserving students, it also allows the University to continue advance discovery of public value and positively impact the health, culture, education and economy of the community we serve.
Thanks to financial support from our alumni and friends, UTEP maintains one of the lowest out-of-pocket costs of any doctoral research university in the United States and is among the top 10 universities in the country for improving social mobility.
What we do here matters. Your support matters.
Annual Giving
Planned Giving
Corporate Giving and Matching Gifts
Miner-Athletic Club
Ways to Give
Cash, Check or Credit Card
Outright gifts of cash, check or via a credit card assist UTEP with funds that can generate benefits immediately. Foreign currency gifts are based on the exchange rate in effect on that date.
Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds
When you make a gift of long-term, appreciated stock, you get a deduction for the full fair-market value, regardless of the price you paid for it. Better yet, you do not have to recognize any of the gain.
Real Estate
A gift of real property (real estate) to UTEP is a unique way to provide a lasting benefit to education and research. It is also a convenient way for you to enjoy a charitable deduction based on the current fair market value of your property and to reduce the size and complexity of your estate. Gifts of real estate can be structured in many ways to meet your needs.
Gifts-in-Kind (Personal Property)
Making a gift of personal property can enable you to share a personal treasure with others while receiving tax benefits. Many donors have given their collections of books, artwork, and equipment to UTEP, enriching hands-on learning experiences for students and providing valuable resources for faculty. When you donate tangible personal property to UTEP, you can receive an income tax deduction based on the full market value of the items (pending a professional appraisal), while also enhancing UTEP’s mission in a visible way.
Pledges are commitments to make future gifts, usually accompanied by a deposit. The frequency and duration of the payment schedule (usually over five years) is then set by you and the University.
Gift and Estate Planning
Whether you give through bequests, annuities, charitable IRA rollovers, income-producing trusts, or another gift option, making a planned gift enables you to create a lasting legacy at UTEP and support the causes close to your heart for years to come. A planned gift can also protect your assets, provide for your family, and sometimes guarantee you income for life. You can even make a significant impact through a gift that costs nothing in your lifetime (through a charitable bequest under your will).
Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP)
TRIP provides matching funds to assist eligible public institutions in leveraging private gifts for the enhancement of research productivity and faculty recruitment. Eligible public institutions are institutions of higher education designated as emerging research universities under the Coordinating Board’s Accountability System or a university-affiliated entity of an emerging research university. The program purpose is outlined in Texas Administrative Code. Click here for TRIP Status Report.
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