Phishing Scam Video
Office Transcript for the Phishing Scam Video
Video courtesy of WatchGuard Technologies
"Bud Logs In"
(Cheerful music playing)
(Bud walking to his desk)
Narrator: Meet Bud, an ordinary worker arriving for an ordinary workday.
(Music playing)
(Bud preparing his coffee)
Narrator: Bud’s not the exactly the CEO, but he is still important. Without Bud’s hard work, Conglomco wouldn’t run smoothly at all. Bud is important in another way too……..a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If he practices risky security habits, he could provide attackers the opening they need to get on to the corporate network.
(Suspense music playing)
(Getting paper note under keyboard)
Narrator: Oh oh. Bud has written down his password and left it in an obvious hiding place. Anyone could guess Bud’s username, and then read his password to log in as him. No can do Bud!
(Music playing while Bud looks around his chair)
Narrator: Memorize your password and avoid writing it! If you absolutely must write it, never hide it in your immediate workspace. It’s valuable! So keep it in your wallet or purse.
(Bob writing down password on a piece of paper and putting it in his wallet)
Narrator: Oh oh, hold your horses Bud!
(Tense music playing, and Bob is looking nervous)
Narrator: That password is too short! Automated hacking tools can guess that password in seconds. Make a longer password Bud!
(Bud nodding his head up and down)
(Music playing)
(Bud envisioning a heart)
(Bud is typing)
Narrator: Bud, by any chance is your password Rover?
(Bud looking surprised and frustrated)
Narrator: Avoid passwords someone can easily guess if they know you. Don’t use the names of your pets, spouse, children, or a sports team. Dates such as your birthday make weak passwords too. And a strong password should be at least fourteen characters long!
(Bob looking tense and frustrated)
(Bob thinking and writing down on a note pad, clock ticking in the background)
Narrator: Try to use a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters such as punctuation marks.
(Clock ticking, and Bud is looking frustrated again)
(Bud thinking and writing down different kinds of passwords)
Narrator: Wow, this password is certain to be aces! Let’s see what Bud’s come up with! (Password is shown on screen) Well….. you’ve solved the quadratic equation for the specific gravity of an atom of radium as it would exist on the planet Neptune….(Narrator gasping)
Narrator: But that password is too hard! How will you remember it much less type it several types per day! Sorry BUD!
(Bud looking frustrated)
Narrator: Ooooh BUD! Just use a favorite song, poem, or movie quote with punctuation. It’s easy to remember and easy to type.
(Bud writing a new password)
Narrator: Spiffy! It has upper and lowercase letters, a number, and special characters, yet it’s easy to remember. Longer passwords are stronger and this is more than thirty characters long. Way to go Bud! (Bob smiling)
Narrator: Neato! That’s a good one too!
(Bob thinking and writing down another password)
Narrator: That’s fine too Bud!
Narrator: Yes…that would….. (Happy music playing)……okay….. (Happy music playing)…yeah Bud…. (Happy music playing)….it… (Happy music playing)…sto…. (Happy music playing)….wait… (Happy music playing)….but...but… (Happy music playing)….cut… (Happy music playing)….
(Bud stops writing, and in awe)
Narrator: What is it Bud? You’ve got another good one?
(Bud nodding yes)
Narrator: Whoa okay….don’t store it in the immediate area!
(Bud nodding no)
Narrator: Oh….you’ve memorized it!
(Bud nodding yes)
Narrator: Whoakay, then I will make it vanish.
(Bud telling narrator to come closer to the paper note)
(Bud rolling up paper and making it vanish)
Narrator: Hey…you are one quick learner!
(Bud typing password in the computer)
Narrator: Now that’s a password with pizzazz! (Bud winking his eye)
(Bud picking up the phone receiver)
Narrator: It’s an ordinary workday at Conglomco, but Bud is no ordinary worker. His good security habits make him extra safe. Don’t be a bad Bud, be the best Bud you can be!!!
The End