Rosa Alcalá (Professor)
20th Century Poetry in English and Spanish, Translation
© Margarita Mejía
Rosa Alcalá is the author of three books of poetry, most recently MyOTHER TONGUE (Futurepoem, 2017). Her poems appear in numerous anthologies and journals, including Best American Poetry 2019 , American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement , The Nation , and American Poetry Review . The recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship, and runner-up for a PEN Translation Award, she is the editor and co-translator of New & Selected Poems of Cecilia Vicu ñ a (Kelsey Street Press, 2018). She has given talks, readings, and workshops in both the U.S. and Latin America, and her poems have been, or are currently being, translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Montenegrin. Originally from Paterson, NJ, she received her MFA in Creative Writing from Brown University and PhD in English from University at Buffalo. More about her here:
Poesía del Siglo XX en Inglés y en Español. Traducción
Rosa Alcalá es autora de tres libros de poesía, el más reciente MyOther Tonge (Futurepoem, 2017). Sus poemas aparecen en numerosas antologías y revistas, incluyendo Best American Poetry 2019, American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement, The Nation y American Poetry Review. Ganadora de una beca de traducción del National Endowment for the Arts, y subcampeona de un premio de traducción del PEN, es co-traductora de New & Selected Poems of Cecilia Vicuña (Kelsey Street Press, 2018). Ha dado charlas, lecturas y talleres tanto en los Estados Unidos como en América Latina, y sus poemas han sido, o estan siendo, traducidos al español, al portugués y al montenegrino. Originaria de Paterson, Nnueva Jersey, obtuvo su maestría en Escritura Creativa en Brown University y su doctorado en inglés en University at Buffalo. Más sobre ella aquí:
Faculty Profile
Contact Info
Department of Creative Writing
University of Texas at El Paso
University Towers, 520L/510H
500 West University Ave.
El Paso, TX 79968