On Campus MS-Criminology and Criminal Justice
Message from the CCJ Graduate Director

Welcome to the master’s program in Criminal Justice from the Department of Criminal Justice at The University of Texas at El Paso. As graduate director, it is my responsibility to oversee your progress as you complete the degree requirements and to help you navigate the rules and regulations to successfully completing the program. If you have questions about the graduate program, I am the person to consult. I am also happy to advise you should you have problems that affect your progress in the program.
The Department of Criminal Justice and the Graduate School websites include many links to useful resources for graduate students. Most important among these is the graduate handbook, which details the requirements and regulations that govern our graduate program. If you are a prospective student, this handbook will give you a sense of how our graduate program operates. If you are a new student, you should download the handbook and read through it to familiarize yourself with its contents. If you are an advanced student, the handbook can help you deal with forming a thesis committee and completing the necessary paperwork.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Dr. Theodore R. Curry
Associate Professor
E: trcurry@utep.edu
Program Overview
Admissions Requirements - Including how to apply
Professional Track
Thesis Track
Graduate Faculty
Contact Graduate Director
Need a copy of the Graduate Student Handbook?
- Working part-time in the Dept of CJ as a Teaching or Research Assistant
- Conference travel possibilities for students presenting a paper
- Guidelines for writing the thesis, and MORE!.