Recent Faculty Publications
Amanda Goodson (2022) Police Officers’ Attributions of Victim Culpability in Scenarios of Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(5-6)
Egbert Zavala, Alondra D. Garza (Online First) Intimate Partner Violence Victimization: Assessing the Applicability of Social Interactionist Theory
Wodahl, Eric J., Leanne F. Alarid and John H. Boman. Would you prefer jail or probation? Differences in sanctioning preferences among White, Black and Latinx adults. The Prison Journal 102 (4), 395-416.
Maimon, D., Howell, C.J., Perkins, R. Muniz, C.N., and Berenblum, T., (Accepted). A Routine Activities Approach to Evidence-Based Risk Assessment: Findings from two Simulated Phising Attacks. Social Science Computer Review.
Morales, Cristina and Curry, Theodore R. (Forthcoming). Citizenship Profiling and Diminishing Police Legitimacy: A Multilevel Study of Trust in Policing Effectiveness and Cooperation with Police in an Era of Heightened Local Immigration Enforcement.
Muniz, C.N., and Powers, R.A., (Accepted). Crime discounting of violent victimization: The role of crime type and incident-level correlates. Crime & Delinquency.
Muniz, C.N., and Powers, R.A., (Accepted) The influence of authority role and victim gender on perceptions of female-perpetrated child sexual abuse. Child Maltreatment.
Muniz, C.N. and Zavala, E. (Accepted). The Influence of Self-Control on Social Learning Regarding Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration. Victims & Offenders.
Shadmanfaat, S.M., Richardson, D., Muniz, C.N., Cochran, J.K., Howell, C.J., and Kabiri, S. (Online First) Cyberbullying against rivals: An application of key theoretical concepts derived from situational action theory. Deviant Behavior.
Zavala, E., and Muniz C.N. (Online First). The influence of religious involvement on intimate parter violence victimization via routine activities theory. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Muniz, Caitlyn N., and Powers, R.A. (2021). Is there a "classic robbery scenario?" An examination of the uniqueness of sexual assault reporting. Journal of Criminal Justice.
Peguero, Anthony, Zavala Egbert, Zahara Shekarkhar, and Moneque Walker-Picket. (2021). School victimization, immigration, dropping out and gender disparities. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (5); 2703-2731.
Turanovic, Jillian J. and Tasca Melinda. (2021). Conditions of confinement: Reexamining the relationship between prison visitation and recidivism. Justice Quarterly (Online first: July 18). Doi: 10.1080/07418825.2021.1944284.
Zavala, Egbert and Caitlyn N. Muniz. (2021). Life domains and dating violence among Latino Youth: A partial test of Agnew's intergrated therory. Criminal Justice Review, 46 (3): 341-360.
Zavala, Egbert and Don L. Kurtz. (2021). Applying differential coercion and social support theory to intimate partner violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (1-2): 162-187.
Castro, Erin D., Matt R. Nobles, and Egbert Zavala (2020). Assessing intimate partner violence in a control balance framework. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(3-4): 600-622.
Curry Theodore R. and Zavala, Egbert (2020). A multi-theoretical perspective on cyber dating abuse victimization and perpetration within intimate relationships: A test of general strain, social learning, and self-control theories. Victims & Offenders, 15 (4): 499-519.
Griffin, A., Tasca, Melinda & Orrick, Erin A. (2020). Getting high after getting out: Understanding the relationship between support, stressors, and drug use among men and women in early reentry. Crime and Delinquency.
Jeanis, M.N., Muniz, Caitlyn N. and Molbert, C. L. (2020). Law enforcement and social media usage: An analysis of engagement. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Online First.
Miley, L.N., Fox, B., Muniz, Caitlyn N., Perkins, R. DeLisi, M. (2020). Does childhood victimization predict specific adolescent offending? An analysis of generality versus specificity in the victim-offender overlap. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Muniz, Caitlyn N. and Powers, Rachel A. (2020) The role of respondent gender and sexual orientation in shaping punitive attitudes and perceptions of responsibility for same- and opposite-sex student-teacher relationships. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 26(2): 232-250.
Shadmanfaat, S. M., Howell, C.Jordan, Muniz, Caitlyn N., Cochran, J. K., Kabiri, S., and Fontaine, E. M. (2020). Cyberbullying perpetration: An empirical test of social learning theory in Iran. Deviant Behavior 41(3): 278-293.
Shadmanfaat, S.M, Miley, L.N., Howell, C. Jordan, Cochran, J.K., Muniz, Caitlyn N. and Kabiri, S. (2020). Performance enhancing drug use among professional athletes: Testing the applicability of key theoretical concepts derived from situational action theory. Sports & Social Issues.
Zavala, Egbert (2020). When the cop is the victim: A test of target congruence theory on intimate partner violence victimization experienced by police officers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35 (17-18): 3622-3642.
Zavala, Egbert (2020). Explaining victimization experienced by Latinas: A test of target congruence theory. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 42 (3): 381-400.
Zavala, Egbert, Theodore R. Curry, and Maria Cristina Morales (2020). Explaining the cultural retention delinquency relationship using differential support and coercion theory: A study of native born and immigrant Latino youth. Social Science Quarterly, 101(2):623-640.
Alarid, Leanne F. (2019). "Civil disabilities." In V.B. Worley and R.M. Worley (Eds), American Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.
Alarid, Leanne F. (2019). "Restoration of rights after conviction." In V.B. Worley and R.M. Worley (Eds), American Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Alarid, Leanne F. (2019). "Parole board." In V.B. Worley and R.M. Worley (Eds), American Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Alarid, Leanne F. (2019). "Violation of parole." In V.B. Worley and R.M. Worley (Eds), American Prisons and Jails: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.
Muniz, Caitlyn N. Fox, B.H., Miley, L.N., DeLisi, M.,Cigarran II, G.P. & Birnbaum, A. (2019). The effects of adverse childhood experiences on internalizing and externalizing outcomes. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(4), 568-589.
Muniz, Caitlyn N. & Powers, R.A. (2019) The role of respondent gender and sexual orientation in shaping punitive attitudes and perceptions of responsibility for same- and opposite-sex student- teacher relationships. Journal of Sexual Aggression.
Shadmanfaat, S.M., Howell, C.J. Muniz, Caitlyn N., Cochran, J. K., Richardson, D. A., & Kabiri, S. (2019). The Predictive Ability of Self-Control and Differential Association on Sports Fans’ Decision to Engage in Cyber Bullying Perpetration against Rivals. International Journal of Cyber Criminology .12(2): 362–375.
Tapia, Mike, Leanne F. Alarid, & Courtney Clare. (2019). Parenting Styles and Juvenile Delinquency: Exploring Gendered Relationships. Juvenile and Family Court Journal 69(2), 21-36.
Winfree, L.T. Larry G. Mays, and Leanne F. Alarid (2019). Introduction to Criminal Justice: The Essentials, 2nd ed. New York: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN# 9781543800241
Zavala, Egbert & Anthony A. Peguero. (2019). "Self-control and immigrant adolescent victimization." Race & Justice. 9(3): 304-329.
Zavala, Egbert & Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz. (2019). "Testing target congruence theory on emotional abuse victimization experienced by heterosexual and LGBQ college students." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 28(9): 1069-1090.
Zavala, Egbert, Ryan E. Spohn, & Leanne F. Alarid. (2019). "Gender and serious youth victimization: Assessing the generality of self-control, differential association, and social bonding theories." Sociological Spectrum, 39(1): 53-69.
Zavala, Egbert & Cindy Whitney. (2019). "Target congruence theory and Latino youth victimization. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 17(2): 169-185.
Zavala, Egbert & Lisa A. Melander. (2019). "Intimate partner violence perpetrated by police officers: Is it self-control or the desire-to-be-in-control that matters more." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 28(2): 166-185.
Alarid, Leanne F. and G. Mark Jones (2018). Using STARR skills to measure perceptions of offender satisfaction on probation and supervised release. Federal Probation, 82(2), 37-54.
Alarid, Leanne F. & Luis M. Rangel (2018). Completion and recidivism rates of high-risk youth on probation: Do home visits make a difference? The Prison Journal, 98(2), 143-162.
Alarid, Leanne F. and Philip L. Reichel (2018). Corrections, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Alarid, Leanne F. & Maureen Rubin (2018). Misdemeanor arrestees with mental health needs: Diversion and outpatient services as a recidivism reduction strategy. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(3), 575-590.
Curry, Theodore R., Morales, Maria C., Zavala, Egbert., and Hernandez, J. L. (2018). Why is family violence lower among Mexican immigrants? The protective features of Mexican culture. Journal of Family Violence, 33(3), 171-183.
Curry, Theodore R. (2018). Control balance theory. In Beth M. Huebner (Ed) Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Zavala, Egbert. (2018). Target congruence theory and the victim-offender overlap among male youth. Victims and Offenders, 13(7), 1013-1032.
Zavala, Egbert and Xavier L. Guadalupe-Diaz. (2018). Assessing emotional abuse victimization and perpetration: A multi-theoretical examination. Deviant Behavior, 39 (11), 1515-1532.
Zavala, Egbert. (2018). Assessing the role of gambling on problematic alcohol consumption by police officers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 34(3), 659-672.
Zavala, Egbert and Theodore R. Curry. (2018). The role of religious coping on problematic alcohol consumption by police officers. Police Practice and Research, 19 (1), 31-45.