BA in English Language Arts
The Bachelor of English Language Arts is ideal for students who wish to pursue careers as English/Language Arts teachers in the secondary school. Course work includes field experiences and is designed to provide knowledge in literature, composition, computer skills, reading techniques, and teaching strategies.
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Degree Plan
33 degree-specific hours are required for the degree, with a minimum of 30 hours at the 3300-4300 level.
A minimum 2.0 GPA is required for graduation, with a 2.5 GPA required for Teaching Certification.
The following courses are required:
3311 American Literature to 1860
3312 American Literature since 1860
3303 Grammar and Writing
3349 New and Multimodal Literacies
3350 English Laboratory
Select 3 hours from:
2311 British Survey I
2312 British Literature Survey II
Select 3 hours from:
3320 Shakespeare's Major Plays
3321 Representative Shakespeare Works
If 2312 has been taken, one of the following courses is required:
3319 Sixteenth-Cent. Prose & Poetry
3323 17th Century Prose and Poetry
3330 Restoration & 18th Century Literature
4308 Chaucer
4309 Milton
4347 British Novel through 18th Century
If 2311 has been taken, one of the following courses is required:
3333 Romantic Literature
3337 Victorian Literature
3343 British Poetry 1900 to present
4325 British Drama Since 1880
4348 British Novel: 19th Century
4349 British Novel: 20th Century
Select 3 hours from Diverse Literatures
3306 Young Adult Literature
3310 Chicana/o Literature
3315 African American Literature
3316 Native American Literature
3360 Women in Literature
3301 Literary Studies
4340: Special Topics (with approval)
Select 6 hours from the following:
3351 The Dynamics of Language
3352 Reading and Writing Nonfiction
3353 Reading/Responding/Literature
3365 Advanced Composition and Rhetoric
4357 Special Subjects in English for Teachers (with approval)
PDF Degree Plan
Please contact the English Department with any questions.
Who is this degree designed for?
The B.A. in English (with an emphasis in Teaching) is designed for individuals who want to teach English in grades 9 – 12. This degree is also excellent preparation for the student wishing to pursue a Master’s degree in English Education as well as other graduate programs in English and/or Education.
What is the curriculum for this degree?
The degree plan for the B.A. in English (with an emphasis in Teaching) is designed to give future high school English teachers a well rounded background so that they will be effective educators teaching diverse aspects of the English curriculum to diverse students. It is also designed to promote students’ success on the TExES , the exam that leads to teacher certification. Majors customarily minor in Secondary Education.
How do I declare my major as a B.A. in English (with an emphasis in Teaching)?
As this process depends on the student, please contact UTEP's Academic Advising Center.
What kind of financial aid is available?
The UTEP Financial Aid Office can provide information about the range of financial aid available to all UTEP students. There is one scholarship offered annually specifically to support the studies of a future English teacher, the G. Douglas Meyers Endowed Scholarship.
Whom should I contact for more information about the B.A. in English (with an emphasis in Teaching)
You may contact UTEP's Academic Advising Center.
Career Prospects
The B.A. is excellent preparation for a career as a secondary English/Language Arts teacher. The following Independent School Districts are all proud employers of our graduates: El Paso , Socorro , Canutillo , Yselta , Clint , Fabens , Clint , San Elizario , Tornillo , and Ysleta . You may also find our graduates employed in many other districts in Texas, New Mexico, and elsewhere in the nation.