Dr. Selfa Chew-Melendez
As Professor of Instruction, Dr. Selfa Chew-Melendez’s responsibilities include overseeing undergraduate enrollment, collaborating with college advisors to monitor non-returning students, and monitoring student withdrawals, incomplete grades, and probationary status. She collaborates with the College of Education to coordinate Secondary Education Programs. She is responsible for enforcing academic honesty policies in undergraduate coursework. She evaluates instructional needs and formats, stays updated on the newest developments in undergraduate studies, advocates for curriculum development, and chairs the College of Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee. Dr. Chew-Melendez also directs the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (BMS) and Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS).
Dr. Chew-Melendez has taught US, Mexican, Asian American, Latin American, and African American history at UTEP for almost 20 years. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and two doctorate degrees from UTEP: Borderlands History (2010) and Teaching, Learning, and Culture (2023). Her book, Uprooting Community: Japanese Mexicans, World War II, and the U.S. - Mexico Borderlands, was awarded an International Latino Book Award and the Southwest Book Award.