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Who are we? What services do we provide?

The Office of Sponsored Projects Post-Award team assists faculty and staff with administration of their sponsored projects. This includes:

  • Oversight and guidance for post-award activities on all sponsored projects
  • Setup new contracts and agreements
  • Processing additional allocations, no cost extensions or changes to project personnel
  • Preparing budget revisions
  • Monitoring report submissions to funding agencies

Each active award at UTEP will have an assigned Post-Award RA to manage the award activity functions.

Differences in Pre-award vs Post-award

While pre-award functions are different from post-award, all Research Administrators work closely to coordinate: proposals, budgets, and manage awards.

Research Administration Essential Functions



Proposal preparation and submission

Award/Contract review, setup and management

Budget development

Process changes and approvals (additional allocations, no cost extension, Changes to key personnel, etc.)

Interpretation of agency guidelines

Interpretation of award requirements and restrictions

OSP Post Award Flowchart

Post Award Grant Lifecycle

Post-Award Toolkit

Agencies require prior approval for certain changes to occur during the lifecycle of an award. Depending on agency-specific requirements, each agency has different guidance on how to submit prior approval based on the type of award and the change requested.

Some federal agencies allow expanded authority to grantees. This means the agency has waived prior approval for certain actions and has given authority to the grantee. The Prior Approval Matrix [link to redirect to post award prior approval matrix toolkit section] is a guide that outlines criteria and circumstances that waive or require prior approval from a funding agency.

What changes require prior approval?

Examples of changes that may require prior approval, including but not limited to, are:

  • Change in scope of work
  • Change in PI or key personnel
  • Long term disengagement from award
    • Long-term disengagement from an award typically refers to a prolonged period during which the PI is not actively involved or participating in the management of an award.
  • Carryover of funds (dependent on agency type)
    • Carryover of funds occurs when any unspent funds are transferred from one budget period (typically one year) of a grant award to the next. This usually happens when the grantee has not utilized the funds allocated and seeks approval to use the remaining funds in subsequent periods of the grants. When carryover of funds requires prior approval, PIs must work close to their assigned Research Administrator and accountant and follow the process for prior approvals. Please note, there is no assurance that the agency will approve carryover of funds, so it is advisable for faculty to spend their funds accordingly.
  • Addition or removal of subawards
  • No-cost extensions
  • Significant rebudgeting (based on agency threshold or impact to scope of work)
  • Budget transfers to restricted or new budget categories
  • Equipment purchases
    • Equipment purchases exceeding $10,000 typically required agency approval when not originally budgeted for
  • Providing access to foreign nationals on contracts

Who do I contact to request a change to my award that may require prior approval?

For any questions on prior approvals or to request a change that may require prior approval contact your assigned Post-Award RA [link to RA assignments] or to the office general email:

What is the process for prior approval?

Step 1: Contact the Post-Award RA assigned to your project. The Post-Award RA will act as the liaison between the agency and the principal investigator to request any changes that require prior approval.

Step 2: Requirements may vary as each agency has specific guidelines by which they review prior approval requests. The Post-Award RA will:

  • Determine what information is needed from the PI,
  • Assist in preparing documentation and include other departments as needed,
  • Submit formal request for prior approval to agency

Step 3: Once agency review of the prior approval request is completed a determination is provided to OSP:

  • If the request is approved by the agency, OSP will maintain record of approval and proceed with implementing the approved changes.
  • If the request is not approved by the agency, PIs will need to adhere to the existing terms and conditions of the award and plan accordingly.

The "Prior Approval Matrix" outlines specific criteria and circumstances under which prior approval from a funding agency or research sponsor is required before certain actions can be taken.

 Federal Agencies Prior Approval Matrix

A no-cost extension (NCE) allows for a grantee (recipient of funding) to request an extension of the project period past the current end date without requesting additional funding.

If you foresee that additional time is needed to allow completion of the grant goals, you may consider requesting an NCE. Common reasons for requesting an extension are changes in scope of work, changes in personnel, and other unexpected delays that may alter the timeline to complete grant objectives.
Depending on agency requirements, NCEs should ideally be requested between 60 to 90 days prior to the project end date. Automated email reminders are sent by to Principal Investigators (PIs) monthly 120-, 90-, 60-, and 30-days days prior to the project end date to help PIs identify any upcoming extensions that may need to be requested.
To request a NCE contact your assigned Post-Award RA (link to RA assignments) or

Step 1: Contact the Post-Award RA assigned to your project. Agencies have specific conditions by which they review and approve extensions, and the Post-Award RA will act as the liaison between the agency and the principal investigator to request the NCE.

Step 2: PIs must provide the following information to the Post-Award RA in order to proceed with requesting an NCE:

  • The new proposed end date (not to exceed a 12-month period).
  • A justification and revised timeline describing the objectives pending completion.
  • The Post-Award RA will advise if any additional information is needed.

Step 3: Once agency review is completed, and a determination is provided to OSP:

  • If a NCE request is approved, an extension it will be processed internally within 5 business days. You will review a direct communication confirming once the NCE is completed and see the new end date reflected in the PeopleSoft and PIC systems.
  • If an NCE request is not approved, PIs will need to plan accordingly to address appointments on their project and submit all reporting requirements by the original project end date.

Senior/Key Personnel are those individuals identified in the grant applications or progress reports.  Program Director/Principal Investigators (PD/PIs) are always considered senior/key personnel and are always named in the Notice of Award (NoA). Change in status, including absence, of PD/PI and other senior/key personnel named in the NoA requires prior approval to most agencies. Please email your assigned Post-Award RA  for any potential changes in key personnel to get started on the process.

Subcontracting is when UTEP is awarded a grant or contract and then subsequently awards a portion of those funds to an eligible subrecipient. All subcontracts are administrated through our Subcontract Team. They can guide you through the process and deadlines established for Subcontract setup.  You can contact the Subcontract Team at or visit the subcontract website for more information:

Subcontract Division  

The Office of Grants Management Accounting (GMA) provides financial oversight and management of contracts and grants projects. You can contact the GMA team at

GMA Website  


Legal/Full Name

The University of Texas at El Paso

Primary Office Mailing Address

500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79968-0697

Financial Mailing Address

Grant Management Accounting
Kelly Hall - 6th Floor
500 W University
El Paso, Texas 79968-0697


(915) 747-5680


Institutional Signing Official

Guadalupe Gomez (Federal and State Contracts or Grants)
 Assistant Vice President, Research Administration

Dr. Ahmad Itani (All Contract and Grant types)
 Vice President for Research  and Innovation

F&A costs, also referred to as indirect or overhead costs, are expenses that are not directly related to a specific sponsored project and are incurred for common or joint objectives.

"Facilities" is defined as depreciation and use allowances, interest on debt associated with certain buildings, equipment and capital improvements, operation and maintenance expenses, and library expenses.

"Administration" is defined as general administration and general expenses, departmental administration, sponsored projects administration, student administration and services, and all other types of expenditures not listed specifically within one of the subcategories of facilities.

The current approved F&A Rate Agreement can be found here.

Effective Period Rate (%) Location Applicable To
09/01/2022 - 08/31/2025 53.50 On Campus Organized Research
09/01/2020 - 08/31/2025 52 On Campus Instruction
09/01/2020 - 08/31/2025 35 On Campus Other Sponsored Activities
09/01/2020 - 08/31/2025 26 Off-campus All Programs
09/01/2025 - Until Amended   Use same rates & conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending Aug 31, 2025
F&A rates are determined by the type of sponsored project awarded. Award types are based off the project’s scope of work. The rates are categorized as follows:
  1. Organized Research: Also categorized as Research and Development (R&D), organized research includes activities of an institution that are separately budgeted and accounted for. R&D includes both “sponsored research” activities (sponsored by Federal and non-Federal agencies and organizations) and “university research”.
  2. Instruction: Instruction means the teaching and training activities of an institution. Except for research training as provided for under “Sponsored R&D,” this term includes all teaching and training activities, whether they are offered for credits toward a degree or certificate or on a noncredit basis, and whether they are offered through regular academic departments or separate divisions, such as a summer school division or an extension division.
  3. Other Sponsored Activities: Programs and projects financed by Federal and non-Federal agencies and organizations which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Examples of such programs and projects are health service projects and community service programs.
  4. Off Campus Rate: A sponsored project designation indicating that the general location(s) of the activity that will occur in conducting the project is an Off-campus locations include space that the University does not own AND one of the following additional criteria:
    • The space is remote from either the UTEP campus (without any expectations for use of University resources and/or facilities to accomplish project objectives) OR
    • The University bears the lease cost for occupying a space to meet project objectives.
Factors indicating that a space is remote include significant physical distance from the campus and use of separate (non-University) services such as mail, telephone, network, and other support services.
  1. Modified Total Direct Cost Base (MTDC): MTDC consists of all salaries and wages, fringe benefits, materials, supplies, services, travel, and subgrants and subcontracts up to the first $25,000 of each subgrant or subcontract (regardless of the period covered by the subgrant or subcontract). Modified total direct costs shall exclude equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, student tuition remission, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships and fellowships, as well as the portion of each subgrant and subcontract more than $25,000. Note: student travel is subject to F&A unless agencies mandate otherwise.
  2. Total Direct Costs: TDC are all costs, including normal exemptions from the MTDC.
  3. Alternative Rates and Base: If agencies mandate a lesser rate than negotiated with DHHS, UTEP can assess/apply the lower rate on Total Direct Costs unless otherwise mandated by agencies (i.e. US Department of Education, which mandates 8% F&A of MTDC).
During proposal preparation, the assigned Research Administrator will assist the Principal Investigator in determining which of the definitions and corresponding rates apply to the project/program. Determination will be based on the project abstract, guidance from THECB guidelines, NACUBO reporting function, the project/agency limitations, and restrictions and/or CFDA purpose of funds.



Contact Us

OSP is located in Kelly Hall, 6th floor, East Wing
2101 Sun Bowl Drive
500 W University Ave (general address)
El Paso, TX 79968

  Main: 915-747-5680

  Office of Research Administration