Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics
This program provides an opportunity for students interested in teaching entry level mathematics courses at the college level or teaching mathematics at the high-school level to earn an advanced degree with a primary emphasis on mathematics at a level that will be of value in their classrooms. The program is one designed to give students a broad background in graduate content Mathematics, and in mathematics teaching and learning.
Follow this link for information on the MAT-Mathematics program designed specifically for in-service teachers.
Admission Requirements
Prior to admission:
- Students must have completed the calculus sequence together with 12 semester hours of advanced courses in Mathematics (3300 or 3400 level).
- The student's GPA for these 12 hours must be at least 3.0.
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Statement of purpose.
- The GRE is not required for admission into the program.
Students with a bachelor's degree, who do not satisfy these requirements, must first enroll in the Post-Baccalaureate program at UTEP. MAT does not offer certification.
Both the Graduate School application and this departmental form must be submitted for entry to the Department of Mathematical Sciences MAT program.
Degree Requirements
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree with a major in Mathematics is available in both a thesis (recommended) and a non-thesis option. The thesis option requires 24 hours of course work plus the completion of a six-semester hour thesis in Mathematics Education, while the non-thesis option requires 36 hours of coursework. A maximum of nine of these hours may be taken from specified 3300 and 4000 level courses.
Each student must have his or her courses approved by the Graduate Advisor in order to ensure adequate breadth of courses in the mathematical sciences.
Suggestions for a study plan:
At most 9 hours Undergraduate Courses.
Thesis option: At least 15 hours plus 6 hours of thesis work (a total of 30 credit hours)
Nont-thesis option: At least 27 graduate hours (a total of 36 credit hours)
Required graduate courses: MATM 5360 and MATM 5365
Suggested graduate courses: MATH 5370, MATM 5361, MATM 5364, MTED 5326.
For the most current information on degrees offered and their requirements, please visit the Mathematical Sciences section of UTEP's Graduate Catalog.