Practice and TExES Teacher Certification Exams
In order to become a certified teacher in the state of Texas, a UTEP candidate must pass the following 4 exams:
Content Practice Exam on
TExES Content Exam
PPR Practice Exam on
Recommended courses to take before testing:
Math Majors should complete the following courses prior to attempting the Math 7-12 or Physics/Math 7-12 practice exam:
MATH 3329
MATH 4303
MATH 3325
STAT 3325
Science Majors should complete the following courses prior to attempting the Science 7-12 practice exam:
BIOL 1305-1107 & 1306-1108
CHEM 1305-1105 & 1306-1106
GEOL 1211-1111 & 1212-1112
or GEOL 1313-1103 & 1314-1104
PHYS 1403 & 1404
or PHYS 2420-2120 & 2421-2121
To take the 240tutoring Practice Exam:
UTEP College of Science undergraduates who are preparing for their certification exams may email to request free access for 30 days.
Links for Certification Exams
TExES Registration information And Preparation Handbooks
College of Education CSS Testing