Throughout our history, the University has served the people of our region. Our students, faculty and staff contribute their talents, expertise, time and energy to make significant contributions to community quality of life. This engagement crosses multiple disciplines and happens in both formal and informal ways. We are both a hub of educational and cultural enrichment and a part of the fabric of our community as educated citizens engaged in the life of the region. UTEP will build on our history to foster intellectual, cultural and economic well-being through meaningful outreach and engagement.
In response to the needs and interests of our community, we will produce meaningful artistic, cultural, scientific and educational events involving our students and faculty.
We will produce high-quality intercollegiate athletic events that engage our alumni, promote positive community spirit, and create a positive impression of UTEP in West Texas and beyond.
We will systematically expand educational impact by hosting activities, courses, and events on a wide variety of subjects to engage K-12 students and their families to continue to strengthen the college-going culture in the region.
We will develop and strengthen KTEP, our campus-based public radio station, as an engaged learning and information platform to tell the stories of our region to our community and the nation through our affiliation with National Public Radio.
UTEP will host a variety of externally sponsored major special events – including concerts, stage productions, conferences, speakers, and competitions – which strengthen El Paso and the University as a vibrant and rich community.
We are both a hub of educational and cultural enrichment and a part of the fabric of our community as educated citizens engaged in the life of the region.”