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Into the Great White Sands

April 28, 2021 - July 3, 2021

White Sands is breathtakingly vast, encompassing 275 miles with a landscape entirely made of crystals of gypsum. Pure white dunes roll in waves for miles to the mountainous horizon- forming a landscape filled with spectacular color and astonishing light. The park is brimming with a history both ancient and recently relevant, contained in an environment with flourishing vegetation and wildlife - whose days begin in vivid sunrise and end in dramatically vibrant sunsets. The Sands is an unforgettably unique place - a land that words fail to adequately describe, but whose visual beauty and wondrous imagery Craig Varjabedian has brilliantly captured in these eloquent and evocative pictures. The fifty images selected for this exhibition of Into the Great White Sands are from his collection found in his recently published book of the same name.



















 Video Credit: Michelle Hernandez, Museum Student Worker

  ***Video was created for the Nerd Night on Photography.  For more information on upcoming Nerd Nights please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the most update information.