To position UTEP as a recognized higher education leader that engages all undergraduate students in the generation, interpretation, application, and dissemination of new knowledge.
To provide undergraduate students with impactful learning experiences through research, scholarly and creative activities , under the mentorship of faculty, and in collaboration with UTEP academic leaders, advisors and other supporting units.
- Provide access to research, scholarly and creative activities for all undergraduate students by promoting integration of these activities throughout their educational experience within and beyond the classroom.
- Promote a campus-wide culture of engagement in undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activities that is inclusive of all disciplines, encourages excellence in mentoring, and embraces interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Foster academic excellence via the creation of rigorous and sustainable research, scholarly and creative opportunities that prepare undergraduate students for their aspired careers, advanced education programs and leadership in a globalized 21 st century.
- Promote awareness and articulate the benefits of undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activities among faculty, students and the entire UTEP community.
- Showcase and celebrate the accomplishments of UTEP’s undergraduate research, scholarly and creative community.