Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is a premiere organization that supports and promotes mentored undergraduate research, scholarly, and creative activities (URSCA) since its founding in 1978.
COURI has partnered with CUR via their Enhanced Institutional Membership program. This membership level allows our campus community to:
- access and subscribe to the electronic version of Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR)
- subscribe to CUR Communities to network and collaborate with other members
- Free-access to CUR-hosted webinars
Activate your free CUR Membership
To activate your free individual CUR member benefits, please register here:
UTEP is listed as: University of Texas at El Paso
You will be notified of your membership status within 72 hours.
Suggested Member Resources
The Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR) electronic version is easily accessible on the web. This quarterly publication is a great place to start whether you are new to URSCA or a veteran.
CUR also publishes handbooks and other long-form reports on URSCA:
COURI also has a small selection of hardcopies available for loan. You may borrow it for a day, a week, or longer by filling out our online form and choosing from our list (all links open in a new window):
Titles Available from COURI (UGLC 306)
How to Mentor Undergraduate Researchers
Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research
Developing & Sustaining a Research-Supportive Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Practices
A Practical Handbook for Supporting Community-Based Research with Undergraduate Students
How to Get Started in Arts and Humanities Research with Undergraduates
Reading, Writing, & Research: Undergraduate Students as Scholars in Literary Studies
How to Develop and Administer Institutional Undergraduate Research Programs
Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research: Fostering Excellence and Enhancing the Impact
Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research (COEUR)
- Grant Dialogues
- CUR provides infosessions to help you get started, adivse, collaborate and network with program officers and other stakeholders to create a supportive community of grant seekers.
- This Week in Washington
- This is a weekly overview of legislative webinars, programming and events in D.C. You must be a CUR member to access/view this resource in the CUR member forum.
- CUR Divisional Awards
- CUR's 13 divisions provide awards for both mentors and students: to support URSCA projects, conference travel funds, and honor exemplary mentoring.