Program History
The Accelerating STEM Success through Experiences for Transfer/Third-year Students (ASSETS) program is designed to enhance the training of financially disadvantaged students pursuing Science degrees at UTEP. Students participating in ASSETS receive a scholarship, are directly mentored by faculty, receive frequent advising and feedback from program directors, conduct research in their discipline, and participate in opportunities designed to develop their skills as innovative STEM professionals. This program is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number DUE-2130075.
BUILDing SCHOLARS is an intensive training program that provides 60% tuition and a monthly stipend for undergraduate students with a strong motivation to become researchers in biomedical, social, behavioral or health sciences or biomedical engineering. The program is funded by the Office of the Provost.
The Consortium of Hybrid Resilient Energy Systems (CHRES) program partners four academic institutions and three national laboratories. The program focuses efforts on building a sustainable professional and academic pipeline of Hispanic engineers and scientists to take on the challenges of current and future energy systems challenges. This program is funded by the Department of Energy, Office of Science under award number DE-NA0003982.
The Mentored Experiences in Research, Inquiry and creaTivity for Undergraduate Scholars (MERITUS) program supports highly motivated faculty-student teams for 32 weeks of hands-on research. UTEP students from all disciplines are eligible to participate. This program is funded jointly by the UTEP Vice President for Student Affairs and COURI.
The Summer Mentoring and Research Training: Methods in the Neuroscience of Drug abuse (SMART-MIND) program offers opportunities for undergraduate students and High School Student/Teacher teams to conduct research on the neuroscience of drug abuse. Support is provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Award # 1R25 DA033613) and grants from members of the neuroscience faculty team.
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program Assistantship (SURPASS) supports highly motivated faculty-student teams for 10 weeks of hands-on research. UTEP students from all disciplines are eligible to participate. This program is funded jointly by the UTEP Vice President for Student Affairs and COURI.
The Achieve Career Success in Science through Excellence (ACSScellence) program provides scholarships, mentoring by professionals and research opportunities for financially disadvantaged students pursuing degrees in Science. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation Award # DUE-1565063.
The Student Mentoring to Achieve Retention: Triads in Science (SMARTS) program matched upper division undergraduates with graduate students and a faculty mentor to form a mentoring triad. The program was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DUE-1153832.
The STEM-Research Teaching Integration (STEM-RTI) program offered a combination of mentored research projects with course module development and peer-teaching experiences to undergraduate students in STEM fields. This program was supported by the National Science Foundation Award # DUE-1140469.