Recently Awarded Grants and Contracts For The UTEP College of Education
The UTEP College of Education is proud to announce several significant grants and contracts recently awarded to our faculty. These projects not only enhance educational research but also provide essential support to our students and the broader community. Through interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative approaches, our faculty continue to advance knowledge in critical areas of education.

The University of Texas at El Paso’s Hispanic Servingness Program for Equity in Student Health and Success
U.S. Department of Education (DOE) $3,000,000

STEM Educator Series on Student Interactions (SESSI): A Visual Tool to Counter Racial Microaggressions and Promote Inclusivity in STEM Environments
National Science Foundation (NSF) $623,267

Associations Between Mexican-American Early Childhood Education Teacher Stress and Mexican-American Child Executive Function and Vocabulary
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) $587,216

Building Capacity in a Rural School District to Support Teacher Development in STEM Areas through Cycles of Continuous Improvement
National Science Foundation (NSF) $98,837

RAISE Research Academic-Work Integration in STEM Education, University of Texas