Engineering Resources
Learning Remotely
Due to the official suspension of the majority of face-to-face classes on campus, a Remote Learning Plan has been created by The University of Texas at El Paso to ensure students can continue with their higher education learning. The information provides a general overview on the resources available to students as they transition to online learning.
Also, a Remote Teaching Plan for faculty has been created to ensure teaching and learning can continue. The Center for Instructional Design has created a great web page for faculty in Transitioning to Remote Teaching.
In addition, Technology Support created an informational web page on Working Remotely.
Buying Computers
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
VPN services allow students, faculty and staff to remotely connect to the campus network and access on-campus resources. In order to use VPN services, you must also have DUO Authentication set up. Refer to the VPN web page for more information.
Software Accessibility
This is a list of software for students that can be installed in student laptops. You can install these software by yourself, or you can contact ETC to assist you. ETC uses Microsoft Teams to connect to your computer. You can contact ETC by email at
Microsoft Office
A local installation can be downloaded at no cost. Also, Microsoft 365 is available by connecting to the portal. Your UTEP credentials are required to connect.
Microsoft Developing Tools
Project, Visual Studio and other Microsoft software are available. Your UTEP credentials are required to connect.
Useful tool for MacOS users to install Windows to run engineering applications. You can get the key/software by first registering with your UTEP email address to setup a password.
Contact ETC to have it installed.
You can download your own copy of the Mathematica software and license from Click on the link “Student personally owned computers” to get instructions.
You can download Matlab for your personal laptop. After connecting, you will enter your UTEP login and password. Then, you can sign in with your MathWorks account or create one.
You will get the option to download and install a copy for local use. Your MathWorks login and password is used the first time you start Matlab to activate your license.
Check the repository or contact ETC.
AutoCAD, Fusion 360, Inventory, and other applications can be downloaded.
Check the repository or contact ETC.
Check the repository or contact ETC.
Check with your instructor or contact ETC.
At this time, this is the antivirus that we are recommending. You will have to create a BitDefender account to active the software.
Other software resources
Remote connectivity
All the engineering software is available remotely. To connect, install the Citrix receiver and use the site.
IT Campus software