Creating a Rubric
1. Locate the Assignment you’d like to add a rubric to.
2. Hover over the assignment link and click on the drop-down arrow that appears and click on Edit.
Adding the Rubric
1. Under the Grading section, is where the rubric can be added and/or created (if there is no grading section, then a rubric cannot be added).
2. To add a rubric, hover over the Add Rubric button,
3, Choose Create New Rubric.
Create Rubric
1. In the text box provided, type in a rubric name (If the rubric will be re-used, it may be helpful to add a version to the rubric’s name).
2. Optional – in the text box provided, type in a Description (If the rubric will be re-used, it may be helpful to add courses the rubric is used in or year/creation date).
Rubric Detail
- Select how the rubric will be graded under Rubric Type. Click on the Percent to show menu and then select/click on either points or percentages (each has option for ranges).
- The Rubric is divided into 3 grading areas named ‘Novice, Competent, and Proficient’. To edit the names, click on the drop down arrow next to the title.
- To edit the percentage or points of each grading area, click inside the text box provided and enter the percentage or points for each level of competency.
- In the text box provided, enter information about the competency level to earn the points or percentage.
- To add more rows or columns, click on the Add Rows or Add Columns buttons.
- To overbalance the percentages or points, click on the Balance Weights button.
1. Once all segments of the rubric are set with descriptions and either percentages or points for each stage of the rubric, click on the Submit button.2. The Rubric will appear under the Associated Rubrics area and the Points Possible will be updated. (Points will reflect what is on the rubric).
Removing, viewing, or editing the Rubric inside the assignment
- To remove the associated rubric from the assignment, click on the X circle icon button. Note: This does not delete the rubric and you will be able to add the rubric back by using the Add Rubric button.
- To view the rubric, click on the small window icon button. There will also be an option to print the rubric from this view window.
- To edit the current rubric, click on the pencil icon button.
- By default, students cannot view the rubric which means students cannot view the rubric before or after the rubric is graded. To select how the students view the rubric, click on the check with red line icon button.