Creating a Learning Module
About Learning Modules
A Learning Module is an organized collection of content presented together. A Learning Module can support a course goal, a course objective, a subject, a concept, or a theme.
Content within a Learning Module is added and managed just like in any folder in a Content Area. The Learning Module is a shell to which other content items such as files, folders, and tools are added. Learning Modules can be modified like any other item within a Content Area.
The value of creating Learning Modules lies in the ability to integrate related content and activities, providing a rich, interactive learning experience for students. You can include the following in a Learning Module:
- Content Items
- Files
- Folders
- URLs (external links)
- Tests and Surveys
- Assignments
- Discussion Board Forums
- Other Tools
Creating a Learning Module
First, you will create a new Learning Module in a Content Area. This first step creates an empty shell. Content is added in the next step.
1. In Edit Mode, on the Course Menu, click an existing Content Area or create a new one.
2. On the Content Area’s Action Bar, click on Build Content.
3. Select Learning Module.
4. On the Create Learning Module page, type in a Name. Students access the Learning Module by clicking the name you enter.
5. Optionally, enter a description in the Text box. Use the Text Editor to format the description, if desired. The description appears below the Learning Module Name.
6. Select Availability options.
7. Select View options.
8. Select Table of Contents options.
9. Click Submit.
Selecting Options for a Learning Module
- Permit Users to View the Content Item: Select No to restrict users from seeing the Learning Module. This will make the Learning Module unavailable.
- Select Date and Time Restrictions: Learning Modules can be set to display on a specific date and time, and to stop displaying on a specific date and time. Display restrictions do not affect content availability, only the appearance of the Learning Module. You may see more or fewer content items in a Learning Module based on the date restrictions you select.
- Enforce Sequential Viewing of the Learning Module: Select Yes to force students to view the pages in order. If sequential viewing is not enforced, students can view the content in any order.
- Open in New Window: Select Yes if you want the Learning Module to be viewed in a separate window instead of in the content frame. Opening a Learning Module in a new window allows students to view the course and its contents at the same time as the Learning Module. They will be able to navigate to other areas and keep the Learning Module open in the separate window.
- Track Number of Views: Select Yes to turn on Statistics Tracking for the Learning Module. Statistics Tracking records the number of times the Learning Module is viewed, when it is viewed, and by whom.
Table of Contents
- Show Table of Contents from Students: Select Yes to display a Table of Contents to students when they enter the Learning Module.
- Hierarchy Display: Select the way items in the Learning Module are labeled to denote their relative position in the Table of Contents. Numbers, letters, or Roman Numerals can be selected. If None is selected, the items will not be labeled.
Adding Items to a Learning Module
Now that you have created a Learning Module, it is time to add an item to it. An item can be any of the following:
- Text you enter
- An attached file in a variety of formats, including HTML, .JPG, or .gif
- A series of files that are linked together such as a web site
- An embedded file such as a YouTube video
- Any combination of options listed above
An item can be any type of formatted text, such as reference materials, directions, a reading list, or lecture notes. Images, external links, tables, bulleted lists, and file attachments can also be added.
1. In Edit Mode, on the Course Menu, click the Content Area containing the Learning Module.
2. On the Content Area page, click the Learning Module’s title.
3. On the Learning Module’s Action Bar, click on Build Content and click Item.
4. On the Create Item page, enter a Name. The Name will appear in the Table of Contents in the Learning Module.
5. Enter text in the Text box. Use formatting options to select font face, size, alignment, and color. Use the Text Editor to insert images, embed multimedia files and spell-check.
6. Add an attached file by clicking Browse My Computer or Browse Course Files.
7. Select the Options for availability, tracking, and the date and time restrictions.
8. Click Submit.