Meet The Team
Welcome to the UTEP Career Center! We look forward to meeting you in person or virtually. Our professional staff and Peer Career Advisors (PCAs) are trained to help you achieve your career goals.
Contact us at or call us at 915-747-5640. We recommend you follow us on social media at: @utepcareers. Go Miners!
Peer Career Advisors
PCA of Engineering
Ashton M.
Strategic | Learner | Relator | Analytical | Individualization
Fun Fact: I'm a boxer, and I like to play videogames.
PCA of Engineering
Roland C.
Achiever | Restorative | Learner | Competition | Significance
Fun Fact: I like bodybuilding and can dunk a basketball.
PCA of Liberal Arts
Luis M.
Ideation | Input | Intellection | Competition | Achiever
Fun Fact: I can play violin and drums.
PCA of Liberal Arts
Vianey M.
Achiever | Discipline | Learner | Relator | Focus
Fun Fact: I love takis chips.
PCA of Science
Katherine S.
Positivity | Focus | Discipline | Competition | Futuristic
Fun Fact: I love going on runs
PCAs are UTEP students, like you, who are trained to help you review your résumé and cover letter, explore career opportunities related to your degree, assist with internships, and provide interview guidance. Having gone through similar experiences as many of our undergraduate students, PCAs offer a unique perspective.
Reach out to schedule a 1:1 meeting with your college-specific PCA. Book your appointment by emailing
PCAs can help you with:
- Résumés and cover letter reviews
- Internship and job searches
- Interview tips
- Career fair preparation
- Career advising, and more . . .
Find your PCA in the tabs above and schedule an appointment.
The Peer Career Advisor (PCA) Program helps students explore careers, receive advising, and develop professionally through peer-to-peer support.
PCAs are trained to present on various career development topics, assist with student outreach, and promote the importance of early and continuous career planning.
PCAs will:
- Present to your class or student organization
- Review your résumé (Email your résumé to or bring a hard copy to the University Career Center)
- Provide tips to help you ace your interview
- Assist with your job search
Whether you're graduating in the next two semesters or just starting at UTEP, we can help you find full-time, part-time, professional, work-study, volunteer, and internship opportunities.
- I am the face of the University Career Center, count on me
- PCAs together, PCAs apart
- Leaders Mentor Leaders
- Celebrate Success
Student Employees
Braulio J.
Employer Relations Student Assistant
Deliberative| Focus| Restorative | Achiever| Analytical
Fun Fact: I'm just a chill guy.
Cassandra V.
Internship Success Advisor
Strategic | Positivity | Self-Assurance| Futuristic | Woo
Fun Fact: I love house music and coconut water!
Epifanio S.
Website Master Student Assistant
Competition| Restorative| Learner | Intellection | Relator
Fun Fact: I have a love and hate relationship with Clash of Clans.
Genessis M.
Social Media Manager Student Assistant
Adaptability | Learner | Achiever | Competition | Positivity
Fun Fact: I enjoy digital art. and photography.
Jangchuk P.
Graphic Design Student Assistant
Developer | Relator | Harmony | Empathy | Positivity
Fun Fact: I enjoy going to cafes and taking pictures of food
Leobardo V.
Employer Relations Student Assistant
Relator | Competition | Deliberative | Responsibility | Achiever
Fun Fact: TBD
Nadia V.
Employer Relations Student Assistant
Maximizer | Strategic | Achiever | Focus | Learner
Fun Fact: TBD
Xitllali A.
Data Student Assistant
Harmony | Consistency | Intellection | Deliberative | Relator
Fun Fact: I lived in Spain
Betsy Castro-Duarte
Betsy Castro-Duarte
Master in Public Administration
bcastro@utep.eduFirst Job: Admissions Counselor - UTEP.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: Love gardening, murder mystery novels, and spending time with family.
Strengths: Achiever | Input | Connectedness | Self-Assurance | Strategic
Administrative Support
Grace Akers
Grace Akers
Career Center Coordinator
gakers@utep.eduFirst Job: Sales Associate.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I survived white-water rafting, zip lining, parenting, and UTEP Commencement 2021.
Strengths: Belief | Responsibility | Consistency | Harmony | Strategic
Judith Rodriguez
Judith Rodriguez
Administrative Services Coordinator
jarodriguez101@utep.eduFirst Job: Office Assistant
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I've run more than 10 half marathons. I love animals, I have 8 pets.
Strengths: Learner | Maximizer | Achiever | Developer | Input
Alina Heredia
Alina Heredia
Administrative Assistant I
aheredia10@utep.eduFirst Job: Phone Repair Intern
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I was a cheerleader for 8 years.
Strengths: Realtor | Strategic | Consistency | Competition | Futuristic
Education and Outreach Team
Victoria Rivas
Victoria Rivas
Resource Coordinator
vrivas8@utep.eduFirst Job: Reporter BorderZINE.
Interesting Fact: I love baking and carrot cake is my specialty!
Strengths: Consistency | Developer | Harmony | Competition | Achiever
Moises Buenfil
Moises Buenfil
Career Education and Training Manager - Liaison to the College of Liberal Arts
Master of Science in Counseling
mbuenfil@utep.eduFirst Job: At a McDonalds in Austin, Texas at age 16.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I like playing the piano and guitar. I was part of the Austin Boys' Choir as a 6th grader.
Strengths: Connectedness | Context | Input | Intellection | Responsibility
Claudia P. Dominguez
Claudia P. Dominguez
Assistant Director- Liaison to the College of Health Sciences, College of Nursing and School of Pharmacy
Master of Arts in Communication
cpdominguez@utep.eduFirst Job: Student Assistant at LACIT (Computer Lab at UTEP).
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I love to cook and bake. In addition to that, reading and listening to music also brings me happiness.
Strengths: Achiever | Positivity | Learner | Connectedness | Include
Employer Relations Team
Sandra Morales
Sandra Morales
Employer Relations Manager
Master of Arts in Latin American and Border Studies
smorales9@utep.eduFirst Job: Filing Clerk at a counseling office.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: You can find me at Disney!
Strengths: Learner | Harmony | Achiever| Input | Restorative
Amey Gomez
Amey Gomez
Student Employment & Job Listing Coordinator
Bachelor of Business Administration with a Concentration in Human Resource Management
amgomez11@utep.eduFirst Job: UTEP New Student Orientation Leader.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I love playing volleyball, playing my electric guitar, walking my dogs, and spending time with my friends and family.
Strengths: Woo | Maximizer | Relator | Intellection | Activator
Priscilla Gallegos Campos
Priscilla Gallegos-Campos
Database Specialist
Bachelor of Business in Human Resources
pgallegoshern@utep.eduFirst Job: HR Business Advisor at ADP.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: Love meeting new people, road tripping, spending time with family and friends and I attend a concert at least once a year!
Strengths: Consistency | Positivity | Woo | Communication | Adaptability
Craig D. Thompson
Craig D. Thompson
Associate Director - Liaison to the College of Education
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
cthompson@utep.eduFirst Job: Stock Clerk.
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: Photography.
Strengths: Include | Input | Relator | Ideation | Self-Assurance
Internship Team
Brenda Jovel
Brenda Jovel
Internship Coordinator
University of California, Riverside Double bachelor's in English & Creative Writing
bljovel@utep.eduFirst Job: Peer Advisor at UCR Career Center
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: I like finding new cafes, reading books of all genres, and I knit for fun.
Strengths: Relator | Discipline | Responsibility | Achiever | Consistency
Woody L. Hunt College of Business Career Support
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming SoonFirst Job: Coming Soon
Happiness Projects or Interesting Facts: Coming Soon
Strengths: Coming Soon