Delegations of Authority
Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations | Regents' Rule(s) | Delegate(s) | Date of Delegation |
GIFTS: Delegation of authority to accept current purpose gifts (other than securities, gifts of real property or outdoor works of art) in the amount of $1,000,000 or less. |
Rule 60101, Section 5 Section 7 of UT System Gift Acceptance Procedures |
Mark A. McGurk, Jake Logan, |
May 29, 2020 |
GIFTS OF SECURITIES: Delegation of authority to accept certain gifts of securities in the amount of $1,000,000 or less. |
Rule 60101, Section 5 Section 7 of UT System Gift Acceptance Procedures |
U.T. System Office of External Relations: Randa S. Safady, Ph.D., Andria Brannon, |
February 18, 2021 |
GIFTS – IRS FORMS: Delegation of authority to execute necessary IRS forms 8282 and 8283 relating to gifts. |
Rule 60101, Section 2 Section 3.6 of UT System Gift Acceptance Procedures |
Mark A. McGurk, Jake Logan, |
May 29, 2020 |
BANKING SERVICES: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts for banking services. |
Rule 10501, Section 2.1 UTS 166 & 167 |
Mark A. McGurk, Diane N. De Hoyos, |
May 29, 2020 |
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: Delegation to execute design development approvals and authorize expenditure of appropriated funds for institutionally managed major repair and rehabilitation projects. |
Rule 80404, Section 4.1 |
Mark A. McGurk, Guadalupe Valencia-Skanes, |
May 15, 2023 |
SPACE LEASE: Delegation of authority relating to space lease agreements with a value of $1,000,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
Mark A. McGurk, Diane N. De Hoyos, |
May 29, 2020 |
PURCHASE ORDERS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver purchase orders for routine purchases of equipment, supplies, goods, and services. Certain purchases with a cost of more than $1,000,000 require approval of the Board of Regents. |
Rule 10501 |
Mark A. McGurk, Diane N. De Hoyos Benjamin A. Alvarez, Erika D. Rosales, Procurement Analyst Buyers |
July 9, 2020 |
CONTRACTS OF $100,000 OR LESS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts of any kind or nature, but not including contracts for consulting services, of $100,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
Benjamin A. Alvarez, Erika D. Rosales, |
May 29, 2020 |
CONTRACTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts of any kind or nature, but not including contracts for consulting services for more than $250,000. |
Rule 10501 |
Mark A. McGurk, Guadalupe Valencia-Skanes, Diane N. De Hoyos, |
May 15, 2023 |
INTERAGENCY CONTRACTS WITH U.T. INSTITUTIONS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts or agreements with System Administration or between or among institutions of U.T. System for resources or services. |
Rule 10501, Section 2.7 |
Mark A. McGurk, |
May 29, 2020 |
SPONSORED RESEARCH – STATE AND FEDERAL: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver state and federal contracts or proposals for sponsored research. |
Rule 10501, Section 2.1 |
Mark A. McGurk, Ahmad M. Itani, Guadalupe Gomez, |
April 17, 2024 |
SUBMIT PROPOSALS AND EXECUTE CONTRACTS IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT FOR SPONSORED PROJECTS: Delegation of authority to submit proposals and execute contracts in electronic format for sponsored projects through the electronic process. |
Rule 10501, Section 2.1 |
Guadalupe Gomez, Cory Brown, Research Administrators |
April 17, 2024 |
HOTEL SERVICES OF $10,000 OR LESS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts for hotel services of $10,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
Minerva Caraveo, |
May 5, 2023 |
CHALLENGE COURSE AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver contracts for use of the challenge course. |
Rule 10501 |
Catie McCorry Andalis, |
November 8, 2023 |
STUDENT AFFAIRS ENTERTAINMENT CONTRACTS OF $5,000 OR LESS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver Student Affairs entertainment contracts of $5,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
Catie McCorry Andalis, |
November 8, 2023 |
VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver Volunteer Experience Agreements and amendments. |
Rule 10501 |
Catie McCorry Andalis, |
November 8, 2023 |
EDUCATIONAL AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver educational affiliation agreements. |
Rule 10501 |
John Wiebe, |
May 29, 2020 |
PHASED RETIREMENT AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver phased retirement agreements with faculty members. |
Rule 30202, Section 1 |
Mark A. McGurk, |
May 29, 2020 |
COURTESY CAR AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver courtesy car agreements for use by the Athletics Department staff. |
Rule 10501 |
James Senter, |
May 29, 2020 |
ATHLETIC CONTEST AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver athletic contest agreements of $50,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
James Senter, |
May 29, 2020 |
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver agreements with corporate sponsors and agreements that grant an interest in intellectual property up to $500,000 in value. |
Rule 10501, and 90101, Sections 15.1 & 15.3 |
Ahmad M. Itani, |
May 5, 2023 |
EDUCATION AFFILIATION AGREEMENTS RELATING TO CLINICAL / PRACTICUM AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver educational affiliation agreements relating to clinical / practicum agreements. |
Rule 10501 |
Ahmad M. Itani, John Wiebe, Stephen Aley, |
May 9, 2023 |
CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Delegation of authority relating to new minor construction projects and minor repair and rehabilitation construction projects with an anticipated value under $4,000,000 which are neither debt financed or determined by the Board of Regents to be architecturally significant. |
Rule 80403 |
Mark A. McGurk, Diane N. De Hoyos, |
May 29, 2020 |
CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Delegation of authority relating to new construction projects of $500,000 or less and for repair and rehabilitation projects of $500,000 or less. |
Rule 80403 |
Guadalupe Valencia-Skanes, |
June 1, 2023 |
SPECIAL EVENT CONTRACT AMENDMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver special event contract amendments executed on event day during settlement only of $50,000 or less. |
Rule 10501 |
Mark A. McGurk, Jorge Vazquez, |
September 2, 2020 |
SEISMIC IMAGING STUDIES: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver: 1) Seismic imaging studies contracts with consideration not to exceed $5,000 per shot hole and not to exceed two (2) shot holes per property, and 2) Seismic imaging studies contracts without consideration |
Rule 10501 |
James Kubicki, Galen Kaip, |
June 8, 2020 |
FACILITY USE AGREEMENTS: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver facility use agreements to include amendments |
Rule 80106 |
Mark A. McGurk, |
July 16, 2018 |
OFFICE LEASES: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver campus office leases to include amendments |
Rule 80106 |
Mark A. McGurk, |
July 16, 2018 |
EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT: Delegation of authority to execute and deliver Landlord's consent to modification of existing telecommunications equipment |
Rule 70301, Part 2, Section 4 |
Mark A. McGurk, |
July 16, 2018 |