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Meet Jaime Hinojos

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved technology and computer games. With encouragement from my parents, I enrolled at UTEP as a computer science in the College of Engineering, and from the very first day on campus, I’ve been giving one opportunity after another to fine-tune my skills in the field.

I currently work on campus as a web media specialist where I support staff with website coding and other data needs. I’m able to complement my work with the hands-on experiences in my computer science labs.

The resources and support offered through the College of Engineering are amazing and I am looking forward to an upcoming project where I will design and implement a video game as part of a computer science course. After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan to continue my graduate studies in software engineering at UTEP. My ultimate goal is to work for Sony, the creators of the Play Station in New York City.

Your support of academic programming on campus has given me these opportunities and fueled my success.

Thank you.

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