Research Overview
Computational science (CPS) is a multi- and inter-disciplinary field, using advanced computing techniques, data analysis, and predictive algorithms to understand and solve complex problems. The predictive capability of computational modeling complements recent advances in techniques and methodologies for experimentation, field observation, and thereotical analysis. Our CPS faculty members have diverse research interests as shown in the following areas:
Hybrid and Nonlinear Optimization, High-Performance and High-Throughput Computing
Computational Biophysics, Viral Capsid Assembly, and Molecular Motor Modeling
Space Exploration Technology and Wing Modeling Applications
Computational Bioscience and Infectious Disease Applications
Parameter Estimation and Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Computational Finance and Economics, Statistical Computing
Geoscience and Subsurface Modeling Applications
Computational Chemistry and Crystallography
To predict the future of CPS, please read the 2024 SIAM Task Force Report.
Research conferences, workshops, and seminars are regularly being organized locally in El Paso area, such as:
- Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences in April and November
- Seminars by CPS faculty or invited speakers of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Chapter at UTEP
- Lectures and talks by CPS alumni: Dr. Sosa, Anibal (PhD, CPS 2012), Fulbright Scholar, invited by Cyber-ShARE
- MS thesis defense, PhD dessertation proposal and defense, and invited talks in research seminar courses (e.g., CPS 5195).