MS Degree
The program offers an MS degree through an academic track and a professional track. In the academic track, the recommended thesis option requires a student to complete a research project and write a thesis. For the non-thesis option, a comprehensive written exit examination over the materials in the core and prescribed elective course work will be required. The professional track requires an internship.
Course Requirements |
Academic Track |
Professional Track |
Thesis |
Non-Thesis | ||
Core Courses |
13 |
13 |
13 |
Prescribed Electives |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Free Electives |
3 |
12 |
12 |
Research Courses |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Thesis |
6 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
31 |
34 |
34 |
Additional Requirement |
Thesis Defense |
Comprehensive Examination |
Internship |
- Academic Track – Thesis Option (Word template)
- Academic Track – Non-Thesis Option (Word template)
- Professional Track (Word template)
Each student taking the thesis option in the academic track will choose a research advisor supervising the research and thesis writing to satisfy the following requirements:
Thesis Committee - Each student will choose a thesis committee of at least 3 faculty members. The Committee Chair must be a CPS faculty member as the research advisor of the student, and the committee members may not be all from the same department/program with at least one more CPS faculty.
Thesis - It should contain original results related to significant problems in computational science and should be submitted to Graduate School for format check prior to the scheduled defense date.
Thesis Defense - An oral defense before the student’s thesis committee in the form of a research seminar is required after completion of the thesis. A close-to-final thesis draft must be emailed to the CPS Office ( at least 2 weeks before the scheduled defense date. In addition, an announcement flyer of the defense is due no later than one week before the defense date.
Timeline - Each student must adhere to the thesis submission and defense deadlines listed on the Graduate School website at and click "Master's Completion Timeline" on the webpage.