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Internship and Research Opportunities

Undergraduate pipeline Network (upn) - University of New Mexico Summer 2025 Internship

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education.

During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. 

We fund our students w ith a $6K research stipend, outstanding poster presentation awards and potential awards for housing and conference travel.

Program Dates: May 28th - August 1st 

Cutting edge research projects in the following areas:

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology & Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Pathology
  • Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Brain & Behavioral Illnesses
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
  • Child Health Research
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 

Apply Now!

Army Hbcu-mi Spark Summer Internship

The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility.

During the summer of 2025, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and systems modeling, under the guidance of government scientists and engineers.

Benefits Include: 

  • Interns receive a stipend of $1,000.00  per week, paid bi-weekly
  • Housing paid for by the program
  • Travel to and from the internship paid for by the program
  • Gain valuable confidence and work experience
  • Learn in state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Explore your career path  
  • Work side by side with Army scientists and engineers

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Apply Now!

EPP/MSI and Hollings undergraduate scholarships

About the scholarships

These prestigious scholarships provide students with an academic award of $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study. The Hollings Scholarship provides a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship offers two paid summer internships, one in a NOAA office in the Silver Spring, Maryland, metro area, and one at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.


Both scholarships are available to undergraduate students studying engineering, meteorology, biological sciences, social sciences, physical science, and other NOAA mission-relevant disciplines. To apply to the Hollings scholarship, students must be attending an accredited college or university within the U.S. or U.S. territories. To apply to the EPP/MSI undergraduate scholarship, the institution must be a minority serving institution. Eligible students must be currently enrolled full time as either:

  • Second year students in a four-year academic program.
  • Students in a two-year academic program at a community college with plans to transfer to a four-year academic program.
  • Third year students in a five-year undergraduate program. 

For a full list of eligibility requirements, or for more information and to apply, please visit the frequently asked questions for the Hollings and EPP/MSI scholarship websites.

Application Deadline: January 31st, 2024

University of Connecticut PNB REU Program Summer 2025

The Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network (SPARCnet) RaMP program is recruiting a diverse cohort of recent college graduates for a paid, full-time, year-long research and professional development mentorship program. Mentees will work in a mentor-mentee team to carry out individual and collaborative research projects investigating patterns and predicting responses of amphibians to global change. Teams will be based in locations across the eastern and midwestern states, within the range of the focal salamander species. The SPARCnet RaMP program will provide professional development and career exploration for mentees to gain placement in career or graduate school opportunities, with the goal of expanding participation in the scientific workforce.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Target applicants are ​​post-baccalaureates (completed Bachelor’s degree by start of program on July 1st, 2025) who are interested in research. Target applicants may not have had strong research experiences as undergraduates but are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Apply Now! 

DAna-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center - CURE Program

The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) Program is a full-time, paid, rigorous 7-11 week summer research internship for students interested in pursuing a career in scientific research. Through engagement in mentored summer cancer research projects, scientific and professional skills training, and networking and social events, students will acquire scientific knowledge and technical skills and increase their understanding of how to conduct biomedical research. 

Applications Due: February 3, 2025

Apply Now!

Discover science summer 2025 internship

As the nation continues to build a diverse, clean-energy workforce, the Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 term of two undergraduate internship programs.

The Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program are unique opportunities open to all current and recent college undergraduates. Interns will learn about science and technology careers, team science, networking, and gain the experience needed to transition from internship to employment.

The application deadline for both programs is January 8, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A number of workshops, an alumni panel, an online internship fair, and technical support will be available to applicants throughout the process.

Interns chosen will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission and address critical scientific challenges of importance to the nation, including global warming.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree or associate degree. CCI is for community college students. Both programs are stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Participants residing outside the commuting area are offered round-trip travel to and from the host lab, and financial assistance with lodging.

Apply Now!

Carteeh Summer Undergraduate research internship

Program Overview 

Every student will be paired with a TTI research mentor and will contribute to an ongoing research initiative within one of TTI’s University Transportation Centers.

Research Topics

  • Innovative vehicle and infrastructure technologies
  • Improving infrastructure durability in climate change
  • Vulnerability assessment of multimodal transportation
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation emissions and/or air quality modeling
  • Assessment of exposures and health impacts
  • Policy and decision making
  • Land-use and urban planning


Interns will be paid up to $6,000 in wages for the 10-week period.

Interns have the option to reside in Bryan/College Station during the summer or complete their internship remotely. Those who elect to live in Bryan/College Station will receive a $2,000 housing allowance as well as a $1,700 food allowance. Interns are responsible for securing their own housing and transportation for the summer.

(Please be aware that both wages and food/housing allowances are considered taxable income.)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 

Apply Now!

The woods hole partnership education program (pep)

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. However, PEP does encourage any interested undergraduate to apply, that includes students from community college and students of all majors (social sciences, communications, policy, etc). 

Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

Apply Now!

Inclusive NOAA Fisheries internship program (in fish) 

Our Inclusive NOAA Fisheries InternSHip (IN FISH) is a partnership program between NOAA and research partners in academia and non-governmental research institutions. It is a 10-week paid undergraduate internship for U.S. citizens in an NOAA or partner institution marine research lab or marine resources program office.

The internship is a 10-week experience that includes a 2-week course available for credit through the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and 8 weeks of project experience working with a mentor in science or management. A $6,000 stipend is provided to each participant. Tuition and course supplies are also covered.

The IN FISH Program is modeled after the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program and Alaska Partnership Education Program internship programs. The structure can vary due to program needs, for example, student interests, program format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), or laboratory location. The basic structure will consist of:

  • Two-week ecosystems dynamics course
  • Weekly professional development activities, including resume and writing. workshops, scientific presentations and seminars, guest speakers, discussions about graduate school, networking panels, and more
  • Team building activities, including ice breakers, trivia night, coffee breaks, team meetings, and more
  • Computational and technical workshops in R, R Shiny, GIS, and more
  • Completion of research or management projects and can include things like posters, abstracts, presentations, websites, concept maps, and more 
  • Participation in the student symposium 

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 

Apply Now!

2025 Georgia Tech EAS REU Program

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a ten-week research program hosted by the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) during Summer 2025.

Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research scientist, participants will focus on a single research project but also gain a broad perspective on research in the earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in a dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program has projects spanning topics related to the geosciences, planetary science, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate science. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers will participate in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Participants will receive a stipend of $7,000, travel allowances, and apartment-style housing on the Georgia Tech campus. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university (this includes remaining enrolled within an undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the REU program).  Note that students attending colleges of Universities outside of the U.S. are eligible if they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

Apply now!

Acheiving Stem Succes through experiences for transfer/Third Year students (ASSETS)

Program Overview: 

  • "Need-based" scholarship program for students enrolled/transferring in a College of Science program. 
  • Mentorship for students to complete their degree. 
  • Development of professional skills to succeed in STEM careers. 
  • Up to $10k per year in tuiton support. 

The Requirements: 

  • U.S. Citizen/Perminent Resident 
  • Transferring student from EPCC or UTEP Junior (60 credit hours)
  • 3.0 GPA 
  • Already submitted a FAFSA application
  • Open to undergraduate students admitted to the UTEP College of Science. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now!

Summer Undergraduate Research at University of New Mexico

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. This year our program will run from May 28, 2025 thru August 1, 2025, and requires a full time commitment from our students, who work on average of 40 hours per week. UPN students receive an academic fellowship (stipend) of up to $6000 for the summer. The goals of our program are to provide the opportunity for undergraduate students to:

• Conduct research in one of the following areas for 10 weeks at a nationally recognized Health Sciences Center o Brain & Behavioral Neurosciences

o Cancer Biology o Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease

o Community Based/Health Disparities

o Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology o Infectious Disease & Immunity

• Build credentials for graduate, medical or other professional training.

• Improve writing, presentation and interview skills

• Assist in the design, collection, processing & analysis of scientific data.

• Learn cutting-edge research techniques and use state-of-the-art technology.

• Present their research to the New Mexico scientific community.

• Receive a summer stipend of up to $6000.

• “Experience so many interesting things” while having “a wonderful time” and a “great summer,” according to past participants.

With the mission of preparing and recruiting the next generation of research scientists and clinicians, we hope to expose students to the breadth of opportunities that exist within the fields of biomedical and community-based research. Please encourage students who are interested in research to apply for our program.

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

NIH-funded harvard Medical School PostDoc in Ai

CHIP, the Computational Health Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a collaborating program of its Department of Biomedical Informatics, is recruiting postdoctoral fellows with an interest in advancing healthcare with artificial intelligence.We seek outstanding candidates passionate about advancing the ability to acquire and then reason over an entire spectrum of data types ranging from clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and social, all the way down to molecular and genomic.


Candidates should have a strong quantitative background and capacity for innovative approaches to biomedical scientific inquiry or the translation of computational methods to engineering or software applications in medicine.All qualified applicants must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) and a strong record of publishing.

How to Apply

Boston Children’s Hospital is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages women and underrepresented minorities candidates to apply for positions at our institution.Applications may be considered on a rolling basis so there could be an advantage to submitting early.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter, research plan, and three references to:Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, CHIP Directorby emailing them toContact.chip ‘at’

DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty 2025

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten-week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2025-2026 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution. 

Deadline: February 3, 2025

Sentara RMH School of Medical Laboratory Science

This course is a 12-month program of didactic and practical training. Students are under the direct supervision of the program director and education coordinator. Formal lectures on the theory of various laboratory tests are given by certified medical laboratory scientists and physicians. Students spend time in a classroom setting, then rotate through all the departments in the clinical laboratory. 

Applications open now!

Sentara RMH School of Histotechnology

This is a 12-month course that includes six months of lecture and student lab followed by six months of rotation through a hospital histology lab. Rotations will be in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Immunohistochemistry Lab, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Histology, and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Histology Lab. Block teaching will be utilized in the didactic segment of the program with progression of courses from Fixation, Processing/Embedding, and Microtomy to Staining. 

Applications open now!

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - UTMB Health

The UTMB PREP program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD Programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholars’ competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

Applications open now!

Undergraduate pipeline Network (upn) - University of New Mexico Summer 2025 Internship

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education.

During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. 

We fund our students w ith a $6K research stipend, outstanding poster presentation awards and potential awards for housing and conference travel.

Program Dates: May 28th - August 1st 

Cutting edge research projects in the following areas:

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology & Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Pathology
  • Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Brain & Behavioral Illnesses
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
  • Child Health Research
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 

Apply Now!

Army Hbcu-mi Spark Summer Internship

The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility.

During the summer of 2025, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and systems modeling, under the guidance of government scientists and engineers.

Benefits Include: 

  • Interns receive a stipend of $1,000.00  per week, paid bi-weekly
  • Housing paid for by the program
  • Travel to and from the internship paid for by the program
  • Gain valuable confidence and work experience
  • Learn in state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Explore your career path  
  • Work side by side with Army scientists and engineers

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Apply Now!

EPP/MSI and Hollings undergraduate scholarships

About the scholarships

These prestigious scholarships provide students with an academic award of $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study. The Hollings Scholarship provides a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship offers two paid summer internships, one in a NOAA office in the Silver Spring, Maryland, metro area, and one at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.


Both scholarships are available to undergraduate students studying engineering, meteorology, biological sciences, social sciences, physical science, and other NOAA mission-relevant disciplines. To apply to the Hollings scholarship, students must be attending an accredited college or university within the U.S. or U.S. territories. To apply to the EPP/MSI undergraduate scholarship, the institution must be a minority serving institution. Eligible students must be currently enrolled full time as either:

  • Second year students in a four-year academic program.
  • Students in a two-year academic program at a community college with plans to transfer to a four-year academic program.
  • Third year students in a five-year undergraduate program. 

For a full list of eligibility requirements, or for more information and to apply, please visit the frequently asked questions for the Hollings and EPP/MSI scholarship websites.

Application Deadline: January 31st, 2024

University of Connecticut PNB REU Program Summer 2025

About The Physiology and Neurobiology REU: 

  • NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) offering undergraduates a paid summer research internship.
  • Participants spend 10 weeks with UConn faculty and graduate students working on graduate-level research projects.
  • Weekly professional development workshops covering grad school applications, interviewing, ethics, and more.

Program Date: May 27th - August 2nd 2025

Apply Now!

NSF Etap Opportunity - Hiring Postbaccalaureate Researchers

The Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network (SPARCnet) RaMP program is recruiting a diverse cohort of recent college graduates for a paid, full-time, year-long research and professional development mentorship program. Mentees will work in a mentor-mentee team to carry out individual and collaborative research projects investigating patterns and predicting responses of amphibians to global change. Teams will be based in locations across the eastern and midwestern states, within the range of the focal salamander species. The SPARCnet RaMP program will provide professional development and career exploration for mentees to gain placement in career or graduate school opportunities, with the goal of expanding participation in the scientific workforce.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Target applicants are ​​post-baccalaureates (completed Bachelor’s degree by start of program on July 1st, 2025) who are interested in research. Target applicants may not have had strong research experiences as undergraduates but are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Apply Now!

DAna-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center - CURE Program

The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) Program is a full-time, paid, rigorous 7-11 week summer research internship for students interested in pursuing a career in scientific research. Through engagement in mentored summer cancer research projects, scientific and professional skills training, and networking and social events, students will acquire scientific knowledge and technical skills and increase their understanding of how to conduct biomedical research. 

Applications Due: February 3, 2025

Apply Now!

Discover science summer 2025 internship

As the nation continues to build a diverse, clean-energy workforce, the Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 term of two undergraduate internship programs.

The Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program are unique opportunities open to all current and recent college undergraduates. Interns will learn about science and technology careers, team science, networking, and gain the experience needed to transition from internship to employment.

The application deadline for both programs is January 8, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A number of workshops, an alumni panel, an online internship fair, and technical support will be available to applicants throughout the process.

Interns chosen will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission and address critical scientific challenges of importance to the nation, including global warming.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree or associate degree. CCI is for community college students. Both programs are stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Participants residing outside the commuting area are offered round-trip travel to and from the host lab, and financial assistance with lodging.

Apply Now!

Carteeh Summer Undergraduate research internship

Program Overview 

Every student will be paired with a TTI research mentor and will contribute to an ongoing research initiative within one of TTI’s University Transportation Centers.

Research Topics

  • Innovative vehicle and infrastructure technologies
  • Improving infrastructure durability in climate change
  • Vulnerability assessment of multimodal transportation
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation emissions and/or air quality modeling
  • Assessment of exposures and health impacts
  • Policy and decision making
  • Land-use and urban planning


Interns will be paid up to $6,000 in wages for the 10-week period.

Interns have the option to reside in Bryan/College Station during the summer or complete their internship remotely. Those who elect to live in Bryan/College Station will receive a $2,000 housing allowance as well as a $1,700 food allowance. Interns are responsible for securing their own housing and transportation for the summer.

(Please be aware that both wages and food/housing allowances are considered taxable income.)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 

Apply Now!

The woods hole partnership education program (pep)

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. However, PEP does encourage any interested undergraduate to apply, that includes students from community college and students of all majors (social sciences, communications, policy, etc). 

Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

Apply Now!

Inclusive NOAA Fisheries internship program (in fish) 

Our Inclusive NOAA Fisheries InternSHip (IN FISH) is a partnership program between NOAA and research partners in academia and non-governmental research institutions. It is a 10-week paid undergraduate internship for U.S. citizens in an NOAA or partner institution marine research lab or marine resources program office.

The internship is a 10-week experience that includes a 2-week course available for credit through the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and 8 weeks of project experience working with a mentor in science or management. A $6,000 stipend is provided to each participant. Tuition and course supplies are also covered.

The IN FISH Program is modeled after the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program and Alaska Partnership Education Program internship programs. The structure can vary due to program needs, for example, student interests, program format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), or laboratory location. The basic structure will consist of:

  • Two-week ecosystems dynamics course
  • Weekly professional development activities, including resume and writing. workshops, scientific presentations and seminars, guest speakers, discussions about graduate school, networking panels, and more
  • Team building activities, including ice breakers, trivia night, coffee breaks, team meetings, and more
  • Computational and technical workshops in R, R Shiny, GIS, and more
  • Completion of research or management projects and can include things like posters, abstracts, presentations, websites, concept maps, and more 
  • Participation in the student symposium 

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 

Apply Now!

2025 Georgia Tech EAS REU Program

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a ten-week research program hosted by the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) during Summer 2025.

Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research scientist, participants will focus on a single research project but also gain a broad perspective on research in the earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in a dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program has projects spanning topics related to the geosciences, planetary science, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate science. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers will participate in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Participants will receive a stipend of $7,000, travel allowances, and apartment-style housing on the Georgia Tech campus. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university (this includes remaining enrolled within an undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the REU program).  Note that students attending colleges of Universities outside of the U.S. are eligible if they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

Apply now!

Acheiving Stem Succes through experiences for transfer/Third Year students (ASSETS)

Program Overview: 

  • "Need-based" scholarship program for students enrolled/transferring in a College of Science program. 
  • Mentorship for students to complete their degree. 
  • Development of professional skills to succeed in STEM careers. 
  • Up to $10k per year in tuiton support. 

The Requirements: 

  • U.S. Citizen/Perminent Resident 
  • Transferring student from EPCC or UTEP Junior (60 credit hours)
  • 3.0 GPA 
  • Already submitted a FAFSA application
  • Open to undergraduate students admitted to the UTEP College of Science. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now!

Summer Undergraduate Research at University of New Mexico

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. This year our program will run from May 28, 2025 thru August 1, 2025, and requires a full time commitment from our students, who work on average of 40 hours per week. UPN students receive an academic fellowship (stipend) of up to $6000 for the summer. The goals of our program are to provide the opportunity for undergraduate students to:

• Conduct research in one of the following areas for 10 weeks at a nationally recognized Health Sciences Center o Brain & Behavioral Neurosciences

o Cancer Biology o Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease

o Community Based/Health Disparities

o Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology o Infectious Disease & Immunity

• Build credentials for graduate, medical or other professional training.

• Improve writing, presentation and interview skills

• Assist in the design, collection, processing & analysis of scientific data.

• Learn cutting-edge research techniques and use state-of-the-art technology.

• Present their research to the New Mexico scientific community.

• Receive a summer stipend of up to $6000.

• “Experience so many interesting things” while having “a wonderful time” and a “great summer,” according to past participants.

With the mission of preparing and recruiting the next generation of research scientists and clinicians, we hope to expose students to the breadth of opportunities that exist within the fields of biomedical and community-based research. Please encourage students who are interested in research to apply for our program.

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

NIH-funded harvard Medical School PostDoc in Ai

CHIP, the Computational Health Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a collaborating program of its Department of Biomedical Informatics, is recruiting postdoctoral fellows with an interest in advancing healthcare with artificial intelligence.We seek outstanding candidates passionate about advancing the ability to acquire and then reason over an entire spectrum of data types ranging from clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and social, all the way down to molecular and genomic.


Candidates should have a strong quantitative background and capacity for innovative approaches to biomedical scientific inquiry or the translation of computational methods to engineering or software applications in medicine.All qualified applicants must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) and a strong record of publishing.

How to Apply

Boston Children’s Hospital is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages women and underrepresented minorities candidates to apply for positions at our institution.Applications may be considered on a rolling basis so there could be an advantage to submitting early.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter, research plan, and three references to:Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, CHIP Directorby emailing them toContact.chip ‘at’

DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty 2025

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten-week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2025-2026 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution. 

Deadline: February 3, 2025

Sentara RMH School of Medical Laboratory Science

This course is a 12-month program of didactic and practical training. Students are under the direct supervision of the program director and education coordinator. Formal lectures on the theory of various laboratory tests are given by certified medical laboratory scientists and physicians. Students spend time in a classroom setting, then rotate through all the departments in the clinical laboratory. 

Applications open now!

Sentara RMH School of Histotechnology

This is a 12-month course that includes six months of lecture and student lab followed by six months of rotation through a hospital histology lab. Rotations will be in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Immunohistochemistry Lab, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Histology, and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Histology Lab. Block teaching will be utilized in the didactic segment of the program with progression of courses from Fixation, Processing/Embedding, and Microtomy to Staining. 

Applications open now!

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - UTMB Health

The UTMB PREP program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD Programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholars’ competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

Applications open now!

 Undergraduate pipeline Network (upn) - University of New Mexico Summer 2025 Internship

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education.

During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. 

We fund our students w ith a $6K research stipend, outstanding poster presentation awards and potential awards for housing and conference travel.

Program Dates: May 28th - August 1st 

Cutting edge research projects in the following areas:

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology & Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Pathology
  • Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Brain & Behavioral Illnesses
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
  • Child Health Research
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 

Apply Now!

Army Hbcu-mi Spark Summer Internship

The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility.

During the summer of 2025, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and systems modeling, under the guidance of government scientists and engineers.

Benefits Include: 

  • Interns receive a stipend of $1,000.00  per week, paid bi-weekly
  • Housing paid for by the program
  • Travel to and from the internship paid for by the program
  • Gain valuable confidence and work experience
  • Learn in state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Explore your career path  
  • Work side by side with Army scientists and engineers

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Apply Now!

CW3E Internship Program

  • The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) leads research and operational programs aimed to better understand and improve the predictability of extreme weather events in the western U.S., such as atmospheric rivers, among many other research areas. For more information on what we do, please browse our website.
  • The goal of the CW3E Summer Intern Program is to provide summer research opportunities to undergraduate students who are interested in one or more of CW3E’s research areas. This program welcomes applications from both students with prior research experience and students who have not had prior research experience or may not have access to a research lab at their home institution.
  • All undergraduate students are encouraged to apply, regardless of experience level. The goal of this program is to provide summer research opportunities to undergraduate students who are interested in one or more of CW3E’s research areas.
  • We encourage students to apply who have not had prior research experience. This program welcomes applications from both students with prior research experience and students who have not had prior research experience or may not have access to a research lab at their home institution, however, the overall goal of the program is to expand access to summer research opportunities to those who may not have had them before.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

MIT EAPS SUMMER Research 2025

The Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) is a broad community of faculty, staff and students working to understand the dynamics of climate change, the inaccessible depths of the inner Earth, the habitability of distant planets, and the origins of life. We are committed to expanding opportunities for undergraduates to gain experience conducting cuttingedge Earth and planetary science research, and we encourage students to apply for internships to work in EAPS in summer 2025.

Application Deadline: January 21, 2025

Apply today!

EPP/MSI and Hollings undergraduate scholarships

About the scholarships

These prestigious scholarships provide students with an academic award of $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study. The Hollings Scholarship provides a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship offers two paid summer internships, one in a NOAA office in the Silver Spring, Maryland, metro area, and one at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.


Both scholarships are available to undergraduate students studying engineering, meteorology, biological sciences, social sciences, physical science, and other NOAA mission-relevant disciplines. To apply to the Hollings scholarship, students must be attending an accredited college or university within the U.S. or U.S. territories. To apply to the EPP/MSI undergraduate scholarship, the institution must be a minority serving institution. Eligible students must be currently enrolled full time as either:

  • Second year students in a four-year academic program.
  • Students in a two-year academic program at a community college with plans to transfer to a four-year academic program.
  • Third year students in a five-year undergraduate program. 

For a full list of eligibility requirements, or for more information and to apply, please visit the frequently asked questions for the Hollings and EPP/MSI scholarship websites.

Application Deadline: January 31st, 2024

 University of Connecticut PNB REU Program Summer 2025

About The Physiology and Neurobiology REU: 

  • NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) offering undergraduates a paid summer research internship.
  • Participants spend 10 weeks with UConn faculty and graduate students working on graduate-level research projects.
  • Weekly professional development workshops covering grad school applications, interviewing, ethics, and more.

Program Date: May 27th - August 2nd 2025

Apply Now!

NSF Etap Opportunity - Hiring Postbaccalaureate Researchers

The Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network (SPARCnet) RaMP program is recruiting a diverse cohort of recent college graduates for a paid, full-time, year-long research and professional development mentorship program. Mentees will work in a mentor-mentee team to carry out individual and collaborative research projects investigating patterns and predicting responses of amphibians to global change. Teams will be based in locations across the eastern and midwestern states, within the range of the focal salamander species. The SPARCnet RaMP program will provide professional development and career exploration for mentees to gain placement in career or graduate school opportunities, with the goal of expanding participation in the scientific workforce.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Target applicants are ​​post-baccalaureates (completed Bachelor’s degree by start of program on July 1st, 2025) who are interested in research. Target applicants may not have had strong research experiences as undergraduates but are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Apply Now!

Discover science summer 2025 internship

As the nation continues to build a diverse, clean-energy workforce, the Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 term of two undergraduate internship programs.

The Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program are unique opportunities open to all current and recent college undergraduates. Interns will learn about science and technology careers, team science, networking, and gain the experience needed to transition from internship to employment.

The application deadline for both programs is January 8, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A number of workshops, an alumni panel, an online internship fair, and technical support will be available to applicants throughout the process.

Interns chosen will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission and address critical scientific challenges of importance to the nation, including global warming.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree or associate degree. CCI is for community college students. Both programs are stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Participants residing outside the commuting area are offered round-trip travel to and from the host lab, and financial assistance with lodging.

Apply Now!

Carteeh Summer Undergraduate research internship

Program Overview 

Every student will be paired with a TTI research mentor and will contribute to an ongoing research initiative within one of TTI’s University Transportation Centers.

Research Topics

  • Innovative vehicle and infrastructure technologies
  • Improving infrastructure durability in climate change
  • Vulnerability assessment of multimodal transportation
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation emissions and/or air quality modeling
  • Assessment of exposures and health impacts
  • Policy and decision making
  • Land-use and urban planning


Interns will be paid up to $6,000 in wages for the 10-week period.

Interns have the option to reside in Bryan/College Station during the summer or complete their internship remotely. Those who elect to live in Bryan/College Station will receive a $2,000 housing allowance as well as a $1,700 food allowance. Interns are responsible for securing their own housing and transportation for the summer.

(Please be aware that both wages and food/housing allowances are considered taxable income.)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 

Apply Now!

The woods hole partnership education program (pep)

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. However, PEP does encourage any interested undergraduate to apply, that includes students from community college and students of all majors (social sciences, communications, policy, etc). 

Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

Apply Now!

Inclusive NOAA Fisheries internship program (in fish) 

Our Inclusive NOAA Fisheries InternSHip (IN FISH) is a partnership program between NOAA and research partners in academia and non-governmental research institutions. It is a 10-week paid undergraduate internship for U.S. citizens in an NOAA or partner institution marine research lab or marine resources program office.

The internship is a 10-week experience that includes a 2-week course available for credit through the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and 8 weeks of project experience working with a mentor in science or management. A $6,000 stipend is provided to each participant. Tuition and course supplies are also covered.

The IN FISH Program is modeled after the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program and Alaska Partnership Education Program internship programs. The structure can vary due to program needs, for example, student interests, program format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), or laboratory location. The basic structure will consist of:

  • Two-week ecosystems dynamics course
  • Weekly professional development activities, including resume and writing. workshops, scientific presentations and seminars, guest speakers, discussions about graduate school, networking panels, and more
  • Team building activities, including ice breakers, trivia night, coffee breaks, team meetings, and more
  • Computational and technical workshops in R, R Shiny, GIS, and more
  • Completion of research or management projects and can include things like posters, abstracts, presentations, websites, concept maps, and more 
  • Participation in the student symposium 

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 

Apply Now!

2025 Georgia Tech EAS REU Program

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a ten-week research program hosted by the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) during Summer 2025.

Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research scientist, participants will focus on a single research project but also gain a broad perspective on research in the earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in a dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program has projects spanning topics related to the geosciences, planetary science, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate science. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers will participate in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Participants will receive a stipend of $7,000, travel allowances, and apartment-style housing on the Georgia Tech campus. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university (this includes remaining enrolled within an undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the REU program).  Note that students attending colleges of Universities outside of the U.S. are eligible if they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

Apply now!

Acheiving Stem Succes through experiences for transfer/Third Year students (ASSETS)

Program Overview: 

  • "Need-based" scholarship program for students enrolled/transferring in a College of Science program. 
  • Mentorship for students to complete their degree. 
  • Development of professional skills to succeed in STEM careers. 
  • Up to $10k per year in tuiton support. 

The Requirements: 

  • U.S. Citizen/Perminent Resident 
  • Transferring student from EPCC or UTEP Junior (60 credit hours)
  • 3.0 GPA 
  • Already submitted a FAFSA application
  • Open to undergraduate students admitted to the UTEP College of Science. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now!

Summer Undergraduate Research at University of New Mexico

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. This year our program will run from May 28, 2025 thru August 1, 2025, and requires a full time commitment from our students, who work on average of 40 hours per week. UPN students receive an academic fellowship (stipend) of up to $6000 for the summer. The goals of our program are to provide the opportunity for undergraduate students to:

• Conduct research in one of the following areas for 10 weeks at a nationally recognized Health Sciences Center o Brain & Behavioral Neurosciences

o Cancer Biology o Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease

o Community Based/Health Disparities

o Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology o Infectious Disease & Immunity

• Build credentials for graduate, medical or other professional training.

• Improve writing, presentation and interview skills

• Assist in the design, collection, processing & analysis of scientific data.

• Learn cutting-edge research techniques and use state-of-the-art technology.

• Present their research to the New Mexico scientific community.

• Receive a summer stipend of up to $6000.

• “Experience so many interesting things” while having “a wonderful time” and a “great summer,” according to past participants.

With the mission of preparing and recruiting the next generation of research scientists and clinicians, we hope to expose students to the breadth of opportunities that exist within the fields of biomedical and community-based research. Please encourage students who are interested in research to apply for our program.

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

NIH-funded harvard Medical School PostDoc in Ai

CHIP, the Computational Health Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a collaborating program of its Department of Biomedical Informatics, is recruiting postdoctoral fellows with an interest in advancing healthcare with artificial intelligence.We seek outstanding candidates passionate about advancing the ability to acquire and then reason over an entire spectrum of data types ranging from clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and social, all the way down to molecular and genomic.


Candidates should have a strong quantitative background and capacity for innovative approaches to biomedical scientific inquiry or the translation of computational methods to engineering or software applications in medicine.All qualified applicants must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) and a strong record of publishing.

How to Apply

Boston Children’s Hospital is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages women and underrepresented minorities candidates to apply for positions at our institution.Applications may be considered on a rolling basis so there could be an advantage to submitting early.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter, research plan, and three references to:Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, CHIP Directorby emailing them toContact.chip ‘at’

DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty 2025

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten-week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2025-2026 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution. 

Deadline: February 3, 2025

Sentara RMH School of Medical Laboratory Science

This course is a 12-month program of didactic and practical training. Students are under the direct supervision of the program director and education coordinator. Formal lectures on the theory of various laboratory tests are given by certified medical laboratory scientists and physicians. Students spend time in a classroom setting, then rotate through all the departments in the clinical laboratory. 

Applications open now!

Sentara RMH School of Histotechnology

This is a 12-month course that includes six months of lecture and student lab followed by six months of rotation through a hospital histology lab. Rotations will be in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Immunohistochemistry Lab, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Histology, and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Histology Lab. Block teaching will be utilized in the didactic segment of the program with progression of courses from Fixation, Processing/Embedding, and Microtomy to Staining. 

Applications open now!

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - UTMB Health

The UTMB PREP program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD Programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholars’ competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

Applications open now!

 Undergraduate pipeline Network (upn) - University of New Mexico Summer 2025 Internship

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education.

During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. 

We fund our students w ith a $6K research stipend, outstanding poster presentation awards and potential awards for housing and conference travel.

Program Dates: May 28th - August 1st 

Cutting edge research projects in the following areas:

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology & Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Pathology
  • Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Brain & Behavioral Illnesses
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
  • Child Health Research
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 

Apply Now!

Army Hbcu-mi Spark Summer Internship

The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility.

During the summer of 2025, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and systems modeling, under the guidance of government scientists and engineers.

Benefits Include: 

  • Interns receive a stipend of $1,000.00  per week, paid bi-weekly
  • Housing paid for by the program
  • Travel to and from the internship paid for by the program
  • Gain valuable confidence and work experience
  • Learn in state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Explore your career path  
  • Work side by side with Army scientists and engineers

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

Apply Now!

EPP/MSI and Hollings undergraduate scholarships

About the scholarships

These prestigious scholarships provide students with an academic award of $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study. The Hollings Scholarship provides a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship offers two paid summer internships, one in a NOAA office in the Silver Spring, Maryland, metro area, and one at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.


Both scholarships are available to undergraduate students studying engineering, meteorology, biological sciences, social sciences, physical science, and other NOAA mission-relevant disciplines. To apply to the Hollings scholarship, students must be attending an accredited college or university within the U.S. or U.S. territories. To apply to the EPP/MSI undergraduate scholarship, the institution must be a minority serving institution. Eligible students must be currently enrolled full time as either:

  • Second year students in a four-year academic program.
  • Students in a two-year academic program at a community college with plans to transfer to a four-year academic program.
  • Third year students in a five-year undergraduate program. 

For a full list of eligibility requirements, or for more information and to apply, please visit the frequently asked questions for the Hollings and EPP/MSI scholarship websites.

Application Deadline: January 31st, 2024

University of Connecticut PNB REU Program Summer 2025

About The Physiology and Neurobiology REU: 

  • NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) offering undergraduates a paid summer research internship.
  • Participants spend 10 weeks with UConn faculty and graduate students working on graduate-level research projects.
  • Weekly professional development workshops covering grad school applications, interviewing, ethics, and more.

Porgram Date: May 27th - August 2nd 2025

Apply Now!

 NSF Etap Opportunity - Hiring Postbaccalaureate Researchers

The Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network (SPARCnet) RaMP program is recruiting a diverse cohort of recent college graduates for a paid, full-time, year-long research and professional development mentorship program. Mentees will work in a mentor-mentee team to carry out individual and collaborative research projects investigating patterns and predicting responses of amphibians to global change. Teams will be based in locations across the eastern and midwestern states, within the range of the focal salamander species. The SPARCnet RaMP program will provide professional development and career exploration for mentees to gain placement in career or graduate school opportunities, with the goal of expanding participation in the scientific workforce.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Target applicants are ​​post-baccalaureates (completed Bachelor’s degree by start of program on July 1st, 2025) who are interested in research. Target applicants may not have had strong research experiences as undergraduates but are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Apply Now!

DAna-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center - CURE Program

The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) Program is a full-time, paid, rigorous 7-11 week summer research internship for students interested in pursuing a career in scientific research. Through engagement in mentored summer cancer research projects, scientific and professional skills training, and networking and social events, students will acquire scientific knowledge and technical skills and increase their understanding of how to conduct biomedical research. 

Applications Due: February 3, 2025

Apply Now!

Discover science summer 2025 internship

As the nation continues to build a diverse, clean-energy workforce, the Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 term of two undergraduate internship programs.

The Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program are unique opportunities open to all current and recent college undergraduates. Interns will learn about science and technology careers, team science, networking, and gain the experience needed to transition from internship to employment.

The application deadline for both programs is January 8, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A number of workshops, an alumni panel, an online internship fair, and technical support will be available to applicants throughout the process.

Interns chosen will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission and address critical scientific challenges of importance to the nation, including global warming.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree or associate degree. CCI is for community college students. Both programs are stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Participants residing outside the commuting area are offered round-trip travel to and from the host lab, and financial assistance with lodging.

Apply Now!

Carteeh Summer Undergraduate research internship

Program Overview 

Every student will be paired with a TTI research mentor and will contribute to an ongoing research initiative within one of TTI’s University Transportation Centers.

Research Topics

  • Innovative vehicle and infrastructure technologies
  • Improving infrastructure durability in climate change
  • Vulnerability assessment of multimodal transportation
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation emissions and/or air quality modeling
  • Assessment of exposures and health impacts
  • Policy and decision making
  • Land-use and urban planning


Interns will be paid up to $6,000 in wages for the 10-week period.

Interns have the option to reside in Bryan/College Station during the summer or complete their internship remotely. Those who elect to live in Bryan/College Station will receive a $2,000 housing allowance as well as a $1,700 food allowance. Interns are responsible for securing their own housing and transportation for the summer.

(Please be aware that both wages and food/housing allowances are considered taxable income.)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 

Apply Now!

The woods hole partnership education program (pep)

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. However, PEP does encourage any interested undergraduate to apply, that includes students from community college and students of all majors (social sciences, communications, policy, etc). 

Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

Apply Now!

Inclusive NOAA Fisheries internship program (in fish) 

Our Inclusive NOAA Fisheries InternSHip (IN FISH) is a partnership program between NOAA and research partners in academia and non-governmental research institutions. It is a 10-week paid undergraduate internship for U.S. citizens in an NOAA or partner institution marine research lab or marine resources program office.

The internship is a 10-week experience that includes a 2-week course available for credit through the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and 8 weeks of project experience working with a mentor in science or management. A $6,000 stipend is provided to each participant. Tuition and course supplies are also covered.

The IN FISH Program is modeled after the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program and Alaska Partnership Education Program internship programs. The structure can vary due to program needs, for example, student interests, program format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), or laboratory location. The basic structure will consist of:

  • Two-week ecosystems dynamics course
  • Weekly professional development activities, including resume and writing. workshops, scientific presentations and seminars, guest speakers, discussions about graduate school, networking panels, and more
  • Team building activities, including ice breakers, trivia night, coffee breaks, team meetings, and more
  • Computational and technical workshops in R, R Shiny, GIS, and more
  • Completion of research or management projects and can include things like posters, abstracts, presentations, websites, concept maps, and more 
  • Participation in the student symposium 

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 

Apply Now!

2025 Georgia Tech EAS REU Program

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a ten-week research program hosted by the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) during Summer 2025.

Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research scientist, participants will focus on a single research project but also gain a broad perspective on research in the earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in a dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program has projects spanning topics related to the geosciences, planetary science, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate science. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers will participate in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Participants will receive a stipend of $7,000, travel allowances, and apartment-style housing on the Georgia Tech campus. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university (this includes remaining enrolled within an undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the REU program).  Note that students attending colleges of Universities outside of the U.S. are eligible if they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

Apply now!

Acheiving Stem Succes through experiences for transfer/Third Year students (ASSETS)

Program Overview: 

  • "Need-based" scholarship program for students enrolled/transferring in a College of Science program. 
  • Mentorship for students to complete their degree. 
  • Development of professional skills to succeed in STEM careers. 
  • Up to $10k per year in tuiton support. 

The Requirements: 

  • U.S. Citizen/Perminent Resident 
  • Transferring student from EPCC or UTEP Junior (60 credit hours)
  • 3.0 GPA 
  • Already submitted a FAFSA application
  • Open to undergraduate students admitted to the UTEP College of Science. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now!

Summer Undergraduate Research at University of New Mexico

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. This year our program will run from May 28, 2025 thru August 1, 2025, and requires a full time commitment from our students, who work on average of 40 hours per week. UPN students receive an academic fellowship (stipend) of up to $6000 for the summer. The goals of our program are to provide the opportunity for undergraduate students to:

• Conduct research in one of the following areas for 10 weeks at a nationally recognized Health Sciences Center o Brain & Behavioral Neurosciences

o Cancer Biology o Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease

o Community Based/Health Disparities

o Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology o Infectious Disease & Immunity

• Build credentials for graduate, medical or other professional training.

• Improve writing, presentation and interview skills

• Assist in the design, collection, processing & analysis of scientific data.

• Learn cutting-edge research techniques and use state-of-the-art technology.

• Present their research to the New Mexico scientific community.

• Receive a summer stipend of up to $6000.

• “Experience so many interesting things” while having “a wonderful time” and a “great summer,” according to past participants.

With the mission of preparing and recruiting the next generation of research scientists and clinicians, we hope to expose students to the breadth of opportunities that exist within the fields of biomedical and community-based research. Please encourage students who are interested in research to apply for our program.

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

NIH-funded harvard Medical School PostDoc in Ai

CHIP, the Computational Health Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a collaborating program of its Department of Biomedical Informatics, is recruiting postdoctoral fellows with an interest in advancing healthcare with artificial intelligence.We seek outstanding candidates passionate about advancing the ability to acquire and then reason over an entire spectrum of data types ranging from clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and social, all the way down to molecular and genomic.


Candidates should have a strong quantitative background and capacity for innovative approaches to biomedical scientific inquiry or the translation of computational methods to engineering or software applications in medicine.All qualified applicants must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) and a strong record of publishing.

How to Apply

Boston Children’s Hospital is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages women and underrepresented minorities candidates to apply for positions at our institution.Applications may be considered on a rolling basis so there could be an advantage to submitting early.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter, research plan, and three references to:Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, CHIP Directorby emailing them toContact.chip ‘at’

DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty 2025

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten-week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2025-2026 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution. 

Deadline: February 3, 2025

Sentara RMH School of Medical Laboratory Science

This course is a 12-month program of didactic and practical training. Students are under the direct supervision of the program director and education coordinator. Formal lectures on the theory of various laboratory tests are given by certified medical laboratory scientists and physicians. Students spend time in a classroom setting, then rotate through all the departments in the clinical laboratory. 

Applications open now!

Sentara RMH School of Histotechnology

This is a 12-month course that includes six months of lecture and student lab followed by six months of rotation through a hospital histology lab. Rotations will be in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Immunohistochemistry Lab, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Histology, and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Histology Lab. Block teaching will be utilized in the didactic segment of the program with progression of courses from Fixation, Processing/Embedding, and Microtomy to Staining. 

Applications open now!

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - UTMB Health

The UTMB PREP program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD Programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholars’ competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

Applications open now!

 Undergraduate pipeline Network (upn) - University of New Mexico Summer 2025 Internship

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education.

During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. 

We fund our students w ith a $6K research stipend, outstanding poster presentation awards and potential awards for housing and conference travel.

Program Dates: May 28th - August 1st 

Cutting edge research projects in the following areas:

  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology & Physiology
  • Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
  • Neurosciences
  • Pathology
  • Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Brain & Behavioral Illnesses
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease
  • Child Health Research
  • Environmental Health Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases & Immunity

Application Deadline: February 1, 2025 

Apply Now!

Army Hbcu-mi Spark Summer Internship

The Army Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MI) Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program allows U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields to conduct research at an Army facility.

During the summer of 2025, students will engage in Army mission-related research projects, including data analysis and systems modeling, under the guidance of government scientists and engineers.

Benefits Include: 

  • Interns receive a stipend of $1,000.00  per week, paid bi-weekly
  • Housing paid for by the program
  • Travel to and from the internship paid for by the program
  • Gain valuable confidence and work experience
  • Learn in state-of-the-art research facilities
  • Explore your career path  
  • Work side by side with Army scientists and engineers

Application Deadline: January 19, 2025

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Astrophysics and Planetary Science Research at Cornell University


Participants  in the program must comply with the public health requirements established by Cornell University. When offers are made, the program will notify students if there are any specific requirements in force at that moment, with the caveat that these may change before the start of, or in the course of, the program.


Up to twelve undergraduate Research Assistantships to join a vibrant research community at Cornell's Department of Astronomy and the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science.


To be eligible you must:

  • Be a United States citizen or permanent resident.
    • Please note that our NSF grant does not allow us to accept applications from students who are not U.S. Citizens or permanent residents.
  • Have completed at least one year of undergraduate academic training by June 2025. Your graduation date shouldn't be any earlier than the end of the 2025 fall semester or quarter at your school.

Application Deadline: February 3rd, 2025

EPP/MSI and Hollings undergraduate scholarships

About the scholarships

These prestigious scholarships provide students with an academic award of $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study. The Hollings Scholarship provides a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. The EPP/MSI Undergraduate Scholarship offers two paid summer internships, one in a NOAA office in the Silver Spring, Maryland, metro area, and one at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.


Both scholarships are available to undergraduate students studying engineering, meteorology, biological sciences, social sciences, physical science, and other NOAA mission-relevant disciplines. To apply to the Hollings scholarship, students must be attending an accredited college or university within the U.S. or U.S. territories. To apply to the EPP/MSI undergraduate scholarship, the institution must be a minority serving institution. Eligible students must be currently enrolled full time as either:

  • Second year students in a four-year academic program.
  • Students in a two-year academic program at a community college with plans to transfer to a four-year academic program.
  • Third year students in a five-year undergraduate program. 

For a full list of eligibility requirements, or for more information and to apply, please visit the frequently asked questions for the Hollings and EPP/MSI scholarship websites.

Application Deadline: January 31st, 2024

 University of Connecticut PNB REU Program Summer 2025

About The Physiology and Neurobiology REU: 

  • NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) offering undergraduates a paid summer research internship.
  • Participants spend 10 weeks with UConn faculty and graduate students working on graduate-level research projects.
  • Weekly professional development workshops covering grad school applications, interviewing, ethics, and more.

Program Date: May 27th - August 2nd 2025

Apply Now!

NSF Etap Opportunity - Hiring Postbaccalaureate Researchers

The Salamander Population and Adaptation Research Collaboration Network (SPARCnet) RaMP program is recruiting a diverse cohort of recent college graduates for a paid, full-time, year-long research and professional development mentorship program. Mentees will work in a mentor-mentee team to carry out individual and collaborative research projects investigating patterns and predicting responses of amphibians to global change. Teams will be based in locations across the eastern and midwestern states, within the range of the focal salamander species. The SPARCnet RaMP program will provide professional development and career exploration for mentees to gain placement in career or graduate school opportunities, with the goal of expanding participation in the scientific workforce.

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents. Target applicants are ​​post-baccalaureates (completed Bachelor’s degree by start of program on July 1st, 2025) who are interested in research. Target applicants may not have had strong research experiences as undergraduates but are interested in a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM).

Application Deadline: February 16, 2025

Apply Now!

Discover science summer 2025 internship

As the nation continues to build a diverse, clean-energy workforce, the Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that applications are being accepted for the Summer 2025 term of two undergraduate internship programs.

The Office of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program and the Community College Internships (CCI) program are unique opportunities open to all current and recent college undergraduates. Interns will learn about science and technology careers, team science, networking, and gain the experience needed to transition from internship to employment.

The application deadline for both programs is January 8, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST. A number of workshops, an alumni panel, an online internship fair, and technical support will be available to applicants throughout the process.

Interns chosen will work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission and address critical scientific challenges of importance to the nation, including global warming.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree or associate degree. CCI is for community college students. Both programs are stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Participants residing outside the commuting area are offered round-trip travel to and from the host lab, and financial assistance with lodging.

Apply Now!

Carteeh Summer Undergraduate research internship

Program Overview 

Every student will be paired with a TTI research mentor and will contribute to an ongoing research initiative within one of TTI’s University Transportation Centers.

Research Topics

  • Innovative vehicle and infrastructure technologies
  • Improving infrastructure durability in climate change
  • Vulnerability assessment of multimodal transportation
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation emissions and/or air quality modeling
  • Assessment of exposures and health impacts
  • Policy and decision making
  • Land-use and urban planning


Interns will be paid up to $6,000 in wages for the 10-week period.

Interns have the option to reside in Bryan/College Station during the summer or complete their internship remotely. Those who elect to live in Bryan/College Station will receive a $2,000 housing allowance as well as a $1,700 food allowance. Interns are responsible for securing their own housing and transportation for the summer.

(Please be aware that both wages and food/housing allowances are considered taxable income.)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025 

Apply Now!

The woods hole partnership education program (pep)

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is designed primarily for college students who are rising junior and seniors majoring in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, or geosciences and earth system sciences), engineering, mathematics or the social sciences, who have had some course work in oceanography, biology, or marine and/or environmental science. However, PEP does encourage any interested undergraduate to apply, that includes students from community college and students of all majors (social sciences, communications, policy, etc). 

Applicants should have a desire to spend a summer gaining practical experience in marine and environmental science.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

Apply Now!

Inclusive NOAA Fisheries internship program (in fish) 

Our Inclusive NOAA Fisheries InternSHip (IN FISH) is a partnership program between NOAA and research partners in academia and non-governmental research institutions. It is a 10-week paid undergraduate internship for U.S. citizens in an NOAA or partner institution marine research lab or marine resources program office.

The internship is a 10-week experience that includes a 2-week course available for credit through the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and 8 weeks of project experience working with a mentor in science or management. A $6,000 stipend is provided to each participant. Tuition and course supplies are also covered.

The IN FISH Program is modeled after the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program and Alaska Partnership Education Program internship programs. The structure can vary due to program needs, for example, student interests, program format (virtual, in-person, hybrid), or laboratory location. The basic structure will consist of:

  • Two-week ecosystems dynamics course
  • Weekly professional development activities, including resume and writing. workshops, scientific presentations and seminars, guest speakers, discussions about graduate school, networking panels, and more
  • Team building activities, including ice breakers, trivia night, coffee breaks, team meetings, and more
  • Computational and technical workshops in R, R Shiny, GIS, and more
  • Completion of research or management projects and can include things like posters, abstracts, presentations, websites, concept maps, and more 
  • Participation in the student symposium 

Application Deadline: February 3, 2025 

Apply Now!

2025 Georgia Tech EAS REU Program

Undergraduates are invited to apply for a ten-week research program hosted by the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) during Summer 2025.

Working under the supervision of a faculty member or research scientist, participants will focus on a single research project but also gain a broad perspective on research in the earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in a dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program has projects spanning topics related to the geosciences, planetary science, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and climate science. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers will participate in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Participants will receive a stipend of $7,000, travel allowances, and apartment-style housing on the Georgia Tech campus. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at a U.S. college or university (this includes remaining enrolled within an undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the REU program).  Note that students attending colleges of Universities outside of the U.S. are eligible if they are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

Apply now!

Acheiving Stem Succes through experiences for transfer/Third Year students (ASSETS)

Program Overview: 

  • "Need-based" scholarship program for students enrolled/transferring in a College of Science program. 
  • Mentorship for students to complete their degree. 
  • Development of professional skills to succeed in STEM careers. 
  • Up to $10k per year in tuiton support. 

The Requirements: 

  • U.S. Citizen/Perminent Resident 
  • Transferring student from EPCC or UTEP Junior (60 credit hours)
  • 3.0 GPA 
  • Already submitted a FAFSA application
  • Open to undergraduate students admitted to the UTEP College of Science. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now!

Summer Undergraduate Research at University of New Mexico

The UPN program seeks to cultivate student interest in research while helping them develop the skills needed to apply for and succeed in post-baccalaureate education. During the ten-week summer program, UPN students conduct full-time research, mentored by their lab Principal Investigator (PI) and team of postdocs, technicians, graduate students, and other undergraduates. In addition, students participate in weekly seminars and teambuilding activities focused on professional development and networking. This year our program will run from May 28, 2025 thru August 1, 2025, and requires a full time commitment from our students, who work on average of 40 hours per week. UPN students receive an academic fellowship (stipend) of up to $6000 for the summer. The goals of our program are to provide the opportunity for undergraduate students to:

• Conduct research in one of the following areas for 10 weeks at a nationally recognized Health Sciences Center o Brain & Behavioral Neurosciences

o Cancer Biology o Cardiovascular & Metabolic Disease

o Community Based/Health Disparities

o Environmental Toxicology & Pharmacology o Infectious Disease & Immunity

• Build credentials for graduate, medical or other professional training.

• Improve writing, presentation and interview skills

• Assist in the design, collection, processing & analysis of scientific data.

• Learn cutting-edge research techniques and use state-of-the-art technology.

• Present their research to the New Mexico scientific community.

• Receive a summer stipend of up to $6000.

• “Experience so many interesting things” while having “a wonderful time” and a “great summer,” according to past participants.

With the mission of preparing and recruiting the next generation of research scientists and clinicians, we hope to expose students to the breadth of opportunities that exist within the fields of biomedical and community-based research. Please encourage students who are interested in research to apply for our program.

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2025

NIH-funded harvard Medical School PostDoc in Ai

CHIP, the Computational Health Informatics Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a collaborating program of its Department of Biomedical Informatics, is recruiting postdoctoral fellows with an interest in advancing healthcare with artificial intelligence.We seek outstanding candidates passionate about advancing the ability to acquire and then reason over an entire spectrum of data types ranging from clinical, epidemiological, environmental, and social, all the way down to molecular and genomic.


Candidates should have a strong quantitative background and capacity for innovative approaches to biomedical scientific inquiry or the translation of computational methods to engineering or software applications in medicine.All qualified applicants must have a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) and a strong record of publishing.

How to Apply

Boston Children’s Hospital is an equal opportunity employer that strongly encourages women and underrepresented minorities candidates to apply for positions at our institution.Applications may be considered on a rolling basis so there could be an advantage to submitting early.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV, cover letter, research plan, and three references to:Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH, CHIP Directorby emailing them toContact.chip ‘at’

DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions – Faculty 2025

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) seeks to increase and enhance the scientific leadership at MSIs in research areas that support the mission and goals of DHS. This program provides faculty and student research teams with the opportunity to conduct research at the university-based DHS Centers of Excellence (DHS Centers). At the end of the ten-week appointment, faculty collaborate with center to apply for up to $100,000 in follow-on funding to continue research during the 2025-2026 academic year at the faculty’s home academic institution. 

Deadline: February 3, 2025

Sentara RMH School of Medical Laboratory Science

This course is a 12-month program of didactic and practical training. Students are under the direct supervision of the program director and education coordinator. Formal lectures on the theory of various laboratory tests are given by certified medical laboratory scientists and physicians. Students spend time in a classroom setting, then rotate through all the departments in the clinical laboratory. 

Applications open now!

Sentara RMH School of Histotechnology

This is a 12-month course that includes six months of lecture and student lab followed by six months of rotation through a hospital histology lab. Rotations will be in Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Immunohistochemistry Lab, Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Histology, and Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Histology Lab. Block teaching will be utilized in the didactic segment of the program with progression of courses from Fixation, Processing/Embedding, and Microtomy to Staining. 

Applications open now!

Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - UTMB Health

The UTMB PREP program is for academically talented post-baccalaureate individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences who are highly motivated to pursue a PhD and desire additional research experience and career skills training prior to applying to PhD Programs. UTMB PREP is designed to immerse students in a top tier research environment coupled with multi-level mentoring and academic skills activities to enhance scholars’ competitiveness for graduate school. If you are nearing or have recently completed your bachelor’s degree and desire a PhD in biomedical sciences, UTMB PREP could be for you!

Applications open now!