Answer: Yes, you must meet with your advisor every semester. You can set up an advising appointment via Blackboard then Organizations but for more information please visit the Engineering Edge Center. If you do not know who your advisor is, you can contact ENGRAdvising@utep.edu.
Answer: Principles 4336 and CE 2326
Answer: You can locate the Special Topics for each semester under Goldmine under 4395. There should be a brief description under the subject.
Answer: You can locate the classes that will transfer from EPCC to your UTEP degree here.
Answer: The scholarships offered are mostly through external entities. Keep an eye out for email from the department or Engineering Edge Center for engineering-oriented scholarships.
The Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department itself does not typically provide scholarships to students, but there are opportunities for part-time employment, as an office employee, lab employee, or Teaching Assistant. Check your email or click the link for any upcoming employment opportunities within the department.
Answer: Click on JOBS on the left-hand side then JOB SEARCH. Under position type highlight INTERNSHIP/ CO-OP. you may customize the major you are searching under Major.
The Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department will also share information about upcoming internships pertaining to our students throughout the year via email.
You may receive course credit for an internship/co-op, but it will depend on the nature of the internship. The Program Advisor has the Internship/Co-op Form. It will need to be turned in before the start of the internship to confirm it meets requirements to receive course credit.
Answer: A co-op is another pre-professional opportunity to gain work experience with an engineering company prior to graduation.
You may receive course credit for an internship/co-op, but it will depend on the nature of the internship. The Program Advisor has the Internship/Co-op Form. It will need to be turned in before the start of the internship to confirm it meets requirements to receive course credit.
Answer: Your professor must request a Grade Change Form from the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering office. A student cannot submit the change request.
Answer: Engineering building 1st floor, Room A-126
500 W University
El Paso, TX 79968
Answer: Yes, at ACES located
Classroom Building, Room C-001
500 W University
El Paso, TX 79968
Answer: There are plenty opportunities to do research within the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department. We have two research centers, the W. M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation and the Aerospace Center. They can direct you to professors who currently have open research opportunities for students.
Answer: Every professor will provide a syllabus outlining their office hours. You can always contact us directly and we can provide you this information.
Answer: You will need to pick up a form from your advisor. It will need to be turned in before the start of the co-op/internship to confirm it meets requirements to receive course credit. Course credit is dependent on the description of the co-op/internship.
Answer: You can find this form in the Engineering Edge Center, under the Forms tab.
Answer: You can find this form in the Engineering Edge Center, under the Forms tab.
Answer: Students can get involved in Mechanical or general Engineering organizations by attending their meetings or contacting them via email. We highly recommend you follow the organizations on social media.
If you have other questions not found here please click link to let us know. https://www.utep.edu/engineering/mechanical/Resources/student-resources/suggestions.html