Continuing Education Units
Professional and Public Programs' Corporate and Business Training offers a wide range of noncredit (face to face and online) programs for the regional community including businesses, industries, professional firms, nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Our programs provide opportunities for skill development, continuing education and personal enrichment.
We are happy to assist any UTEP department, unit, or program by evaluating, processing and awarding CEUs as well.
What is a Continuing Education Unit (CEU)?
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a uniform unit of measurement to record participation in non-academic, professional and vocational programs. It is based upon attendance in short courses and other noncredit continuing educational programs.
The CEU serves a number of purposes; it functions as a
- Uniform unit of measure for continuing education and training
- Nationally recognized unit of measure
- Concept useful in a variety of learning formats
- Criterion by which the quality of learning activities are judged
- Systematic means for program development and delivery
- Requirement for the documentation of learning experiences
One CEU equals ten contact hours of participation in organized continuing education classes and/or training conducted by a qualified instructor. A contact hour is equivalent to one 60-minute interaction between an instructor and the participant.
- A CEU cannot be granted for learning events that are less than one hour in length
- Participants must sign in at the event they are registered for
- Participants much attend the entire event for which they register for unless they have made prior arrangements with the instructor/trainer
- Certificates will be distributed to participants once the training/conference ends
- General CEUs can be issued by Professional and Public Programs in accordance with guidelines established by the American Standards Institute or other recognized national or international organization
How to Request CEUs
To request CEUs, click on the button below and fill out the form completely; incomplete applications may cause delays. Then, download and save your completed form, and send it via email to You also need to send the following documents with the form:
- The proposal syllabus and calendar (see samples of both documents)
- A detailed conference agenda (see sample agenda here)
- Speaker CVs (including educational background/experience/qualifications)
Fill out this form to request CEUs
Have more questions? Click on the tabs below to get additional information related to CEUs.
When a UTEP department, unit or program seeks to partner with Professional and Public Programs to offer CEUs, the responsibilities of both parties are as follows:
Instructor responsibilities include:
- Submitting course proposal requests, course outlines/syllabus, faculty resume (click on the Proposal Syllabus tab)
- Submitting rosters to the Professional and Public Programs office
- Maintaining and monitoring daily attendance on the final roster
- Submitting credit/no credit grade on the final roster
Professional and Public Programs’ responsibilities include:
- Providing policy and procedure guidelines
- Providing course schedule forms
- Building courses in registration system
- Scheduling classrooms if the course is to be held on campus
- Providing the instructor with a package containing:
- Attendance rosters
- Instructor evaluation forms
- Daily attendance sign-in formsRecording credit/noncredit grades
- Recording credit/noncredit grades
- Providing Certificates of Completion which include hours completed and CEUs accumulated
The fee for each CEU is offered at a cost of $10 (ten dollars) per CEU, to be paid by the participant. The number of CEUs is determined according to the total amount of teachable contact hours during the training/conference. Please note that this does not include additional fees such as Service Fees.
The proposal syllabus is a detailed outline of training an individual wishes to deliver through Corporate & Business Training (C&BT) at UTEP.
The purpose of the syllabus is twofold:
- It helps the C&BT staff determine the suitability of a course for the C&BT program
- It informs the staff of the nature of the materials (textbooks, handouts, and other items) that are needed to support the course.
The sample syllabus provided below is only a guide; however, all syllabi should include the following:
- The name of the trainer and the title of the training session or training series
- A short description of the training, along with a list of training outcomes or major concepts to be mastered by the participants by the end of the training
- Details of textbooks and other course materials, including handouts
- The trainer’s expectations regarding matters such as attendance, technology use and what students will need to put into the course (e.g., hours of effort)
- Methods and instruments for evaluation of the participant’s learning
- Contact information for accommodations for students with disabilities
Any required handouts must also be provided with the syllabus. It is important to note if any of the materials to be used for the training are copyrighted. It is also necessary to give an accurate count of copies to be made in order to calculate the cost of the training and to schedule the copying.
When a proposal to offer training is accepted, the trainer must make slight modifications to the syllabus to include information such as location, times and dates for the training and contact information for the trainer. The revised syllabus will be distributed to the training participants.
Download a sample syllabus and calendarCEU FAQs
Does Professional and Public Programs provide Certificates of Completion?
Yes. Certificates of Completion are available to participants in any program regardless of whether CEUs are available and/or requested.
Does Professional and Public Programs provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
Yes, after reviewing course content and instructor certification, we are able to provide general CEUs.
Yes, CEUs are $10 each. Therefore, if a course or program is awarded 3 CEUs, the cost will be $30 to the participant.
Can Professional and Public Programs provide recorded sessions with pre- and post-tests for participants who would like to watch the recorded CEU videos on their own time?
We have the ability to work within Microsoft Teams to set up and record sessions as well as set up pre- and post-tests within the platform. We also have the ability to work with our sister unit, the Center for Instructional Design, to assist us with setting up courses through Blackboard.
How are course fees determined?
We have a structured financial model to help determine course cost depending on instructor fee, materials, classroom fee, registration set-up, and so on.
Can facilitators collaborate with members of the community, students or alumni to provide a CEU course?
Yes. We can explore all expenses including presentation fees, which will then provide the framework of a customized financial model.
Are facilitators allowed to provide courses in person and/or away from campus?
Facilitators are allowed to provide courses either on campus or off campus. Courses can be conducted face to face, live/online or via recorded webinar.
Are UTEP students given a discount for registering for a CEU course?
UTEP students receive a 10% discount for any Professional and Public Program course except for the ELI Core Program and online self-paced courses.
Do all participants need to sign up to receive CEUs?
Yes. Participants’ information is needed in order to track attendance and progress in program before issuing CEUs.
How do participants indicate that they wish to receive CEUs?
Participants must let the coordinator of the program know of their interest in receiving CEUs at time of registration.
How much time is required to request that a course or program is reviewed for CEUs?
Can I have a program evaluated for CEUS after it has occurred?
No. It is difficult to track attendance and progress after an event has taken place. Therefore, pre-planning is required.
Can Professional and Public Programs evaluate courses/programs and award CEUs for professional organizations?
No. Professional and Public Programs issues CEUs for either personal and professional growth but specific specialties such as Nursing, Pharmacy and other medical fields must acquire CEUs from accredited healthcare organizations such as the ANCC, ACPE, ACHC, etc. Please feel free to contact us for more information.