Mail Services
Please note that we are not an official Federal Post Office and do not provide services such as money orders or passport photos. With our mailing software we can track your mail and provide detailed information on the rate of deliverability as well as its timeliness.
Departments are not able to take back any pieces after the items have been meter. Mail must be meter & mail out on the same day, We can not pre-meter any envelopes, packages or boxes to shows future days.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please remember that Mail Services is not allowed to receive or deliver personal packages that are shipped to the University for employees. Personal mail / packages will returned to the sender upon arrival at the Mail Services. Please update all shipping addresses to reflect your home address for personal packages.
Departmental Billing
Mail Services bills departments for their postage usage on a monthly bases. UTEP Departments are required to fill out a Postage Form at the time dropping any letters or packages. The form must include:
- Departmental cost center
- Department
- Name of the person who is dropping the project.
For more information about the Postage Form, please visit our Form section:
Mail cannot be billed early or ahead. Departments are not able to take back any pieces after the items have been meter. Mail must be meter & mail out on the same day, We can not pre-meter any envelopes, packages or boxes to shows future days.
Who do I contact with questions on my bill?
Please email us to:
If you are looking for a copy of the statement, please proceed to the next section. You will find the link to download the statements by using SharePoint.
Departmental Statements
We would also like to announce the availability of a postage service charge report that you will be able to access through Share Point. Each department has provided a cost center to charge their postage service billing which will be available by cost center through Share Point starting September 1st, 2020.
Please see the link to access SharePoint below:
Private Mailbox Rental
Anyone in the University or City of El Paso community can rent a P.O. Box. Rates for a box are starting at $85.00 per year following the University Calendar (August to August).
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO OPEN OR RENEW YOUR MAILBOX? - You are welcome to visit our office located at the Union Building, Room 108.
- Complete the form provided by us.
- Bring in two forms of identification
You are free to cancel your PMB at any time. Please cancel in person at our office. Unfortunately when you cancel you PMB you are not eligible for a refund of your rental payment. ALL SALES FINAL.
Unclaimed Mail
All mail or packages that are unclaimed for 30 days after delivery will be returned to sender at the discretion of our staff members.
If you have any questions, please call us at (915) 747-5677 or email us at