All students must complete 30 credit hours of Course of Study for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) which includes the Required Graduate Core with the option to participate in the UTEP MBA Facuty-Led Program.
Courses in the Required MBA Core may be substituted for other graduate courses in the same academic discipline if the MBA student has shown an appropriate understanding of the subject matter in previous undergraduate or graduate coursework.
Course of Study for the Master of Business Administration (30 semester hours)
ACCT 5301 | Financial Accounting | |
BUSN 5310 | Corp. Gov, Ethics, & Inter. Bu | |
MGMT 5311 | Organizational Management Seminar | |
ACCT 5311 | Accounting for Management | |
QMB 5311 | Quantitative Methods in Business | |
FIN 5311 | Financial Management | |
ECON 5311 | Managerial Economics | |
MGMT 5335 | International Strategic Management | |
MKT 5311 | Marketing Management | |
OSCM 5308 | Concepts of Production Management |