Top 4 classes for an M.Ed. focused on bilingual education
Getting a master’s degree in education focused on bilingual education means becoming part of a challenging but fascinating program. To earn an M.Ed. in bilingual education, you’ll need to complete 36 credit hours composed of 12 hours of professional development and 24 hours of a bilingual education concentration. This deep dive into the program highlights four of the classes you’ll take during your education at UTEP.
Sheltered English Instruction for Educators
Although many bilingual educators focus on helping English-speaking students gain competency in a second language, there is just as much to learn about non-English-speaking students who are acclimating to a primarily English-speaking classroom. Sheltered English Instruction for Educators is a three-credit-hour course examining the various theories and principles that help non-native English-speakers adjust to and excel in an English-speaking classroom.
Scholarly Writing for Education
Scholarly Writing for Education is a three-credit-hour class that teaches educators the fundamentals of researching and writing publication-quality papers. From this class, you will learn how to gather information through a variety of means, and how to use that information to write an article that brings value to the educational community. Ultimately, this course can help you bring the successes in your classroom to other teachers around the country and the globe.
Survey of Issues in Bilingual and Second Language Education
Educators know that classrooms don’t exist inside a vacuum. A variety of issues impact the classroom, ranging from social to philosophical to legislative. Great educators recognize these obstacles and marry best practices with real-world experience to give their students the best education possible. Survey of Issues in Bilingual and Second Language Education provides the framework to start understanding the various issues in bilingual education and how they interact with one another. Through this three-semester-hour course, you can start learning the best ways to teach your students in light of these obstacles.
Teaching Content in Spanish
The Teaching Content in Spanish course provides educators with firsthand experience understanding and learning in a foreign language. Educators are taught how to develop Spanish-language courses in mathematics, science, social studies and language arts in a course taught entirely in Spanish. Not only are educators given the tools necessary to develop curricula that meet state and professional standards, they also grow to understand the challenges and successes of learning in a second language.
With more children speaking an alternative language at home and more parents wanting to expose their children to multiple languages at school, the demand for bilingual educators is higher than ever. Gaining a master’s in bilingual education can help you effectively teach your students and keep up in a competitive job market. At UTEP Connect, you can pursue your degree online and at your own pace to ensure that you not only provide a quality education to your students but also receive one yourself.
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