Frequently Asked Questions: Inventory
#01: Why does my computer/laptop/projector have to be scanned by Inventory?
All UTEP-owned capital equipment (property worth more than $5,000) and controlled property ($500 or greater) have a UTEP tag number that must be scanned once per fiscal year by the UTEP Inventory department. Computing equipment tends to be controlled property. Please visit the Inventory page for details..
#02: My computer/laptop/projector was stolen and/or is missing. What do I have to do?
If the equipment was stolen, the following must be completed within 24 hours of the theft:
- contact UTEP Police and request a "Campus Police Incident Report"
- complete and submit a "Missing/Stolen Property" form
- contact the TIM
If the equipment is missing:
- contact the Technology Personnel to confirm that the equipment in question is indeed missing
- if confirmed missing, complete and submit a "Missing/Stolen Property" form
#03: I am moving computing equipment from one place to another. Do I have to do anything inventory-wise?
If the computing equipment is coming into or leaving your department, a transfer form must be filled, signed and sent to UTEP Inventory for processing. Scan the completed and signed form and email to for processing. Please visit the Inventory Transfers page for details.
If the equipment is not leaving your department (i.e. it is staying in your Unit Code), you don't have to submit a form but do let the Technology Personnel know of the equipment's new location so that internal records can be updated.
#04: I have an old computer that I no longer want. How do I get rid of it?
Please contact the Technology Personnel with the pertinent information (tag number, location, etc.) They will make an appointment to pick it up and will surplus it for your department if needed. Please visit the Transfer to Surplus page for details.
#05: I need to transfer/surplus some [un]tagged furniture. Can you assist with that?
The Technology Personnel is only authorized to work on computing equipment (computers, laptops, tablets, printers, etc.) If you need assistance with tagged items that are not computing equipment (e.g. furniture, appliances, lockers, etc.), please contact Facilities Services.