Leadership Team
John Wiebe, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Administration Bldg. Rm 310
(915) 747-5725
Administrative Staff
Toni Blum, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Curriculum Effectiveness and Improvement
Administration Bldg. Rm. 209D
(915) 747-8765
Curriculum Effectiveness and Improvement Staff
Areas of Oversight: Accreditation; Academic Catalog; Undergraduate Curriculum; Technology Implementation; Undergraduate Program Review; University Honors Program; UTEP Edge; Open Educational Resources
Stephen Crites, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies; Dean of the Graduate School
Administration Bldg. Rm. 200
(915) 747-5491
Graduate School Staff
Areas of Oversight: Graduate School
Ann Gates, Ph.D.
Senior Advisor to the Provost for Strategic STEM Initiatives
Classroom Bldg. Rm. 401
(915) 747-7689
Institutional Transformation Grant Staff
Areas of Oversight: CAHSI; Institutional Transformation Grant
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Monica Kane
Associate Vice President for Academic Resource Management
Administration Bldg. Rm. 303C
(915) 747-0914
Business Center Staff
Areas of Oversight: Academic Resource Management
Anne-Marie Núñez, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Diana Natalicio Institute for Hispanic Student Success
Education Bldg., 9th Fl.
(915) 747-8794
Natalicio Institute Staff
Areas of Oversight: Hispanic Student Success in Higher Education
Deana D. Pennington, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Administration Bldg. Rm. 310
(915) 747-5725
Faculty Affairs Staff
Areas of Oversight: Community Engagement; Faculty Affairs; Faculty Leadership Development; Inclusive Excellence; Undergraduate Research
Louie Rodriguez, J.D.
Vice Provost for Professional Development, Engagement, and Strategic Initiatives
Administration Bldg. Rm. 308
(915) 747-5725
Career Center Staff
Areas of Oversight: University Career Center; Strategic Initiatives; Student Employment
Heather Smith, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Advising, Academic Success, and Student SupportAdministration Bldg. Rm. 316
(915) 747-5668
Advising and Student Support Staff
Areas of oversight: Transfer Student Pathways and Experiences; Entering Student Experience; Advising and Student Services; Academic Support Services
Harvey Castellano
Interim Dean, University Library
University Library, Rm. 319
(915) 747-6734
Library Staff
Areas of Oversight: University Library
Clifton Tanabe, Ph.D., J.D.
Vice Provost for Learning Innovation and Dean of the College of Education
Education Bldg., Rm. 414
Areas of Oversight: College of Education; Learning Innovation