Attend Campus Events
Being involved at UTEP means finding something to be engaged with that brings you closer to the UTEP community! There are a number of ways to be an engaged student at UTEP. The Student Engagement & Leadership Center focuses on providing numerous engagement and leadership opportunities for all students. Here are a few ways to be engaged at UTEP:
- Join a student organization
- Attend Minerpalooza or another event on campus
- Get involved in a fraternity or sorority
- Sign-up for a leadership workshop or training
- Learn about the UTEP Edge
Whether you're stopping by our events to grab a free coffee or hear live music, Getting Involved as a Miner has never been easier!
MineTracker Live Feed of Events
Signature Events
Minerpalooza is the largest back-to-school event full of music, food, fun, and school spirit! This event wraps up our Miner Welcome activities each fall semester and brings together our UTEP Student Body, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and the El Paso Community.
Miner Welcome is a 2-WEEK welcome event for all students that takes place at the beginning of every semester. Don't miss all the events happening during this time that will help you get involved and create your experience at UTEP!
Up All Night is a fun way to wrap up both Fall and Spring semesters! On the last day of classes, we take over Union Building East and have a night of crafts, food, fun, and more. Follow us on social media for all the latest updates on this event!