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Endnote gives you the tools for learning how to do research, cite sources, write term papers, and even match your manuscript to a scientific journal. Create an online account to search, then save and organize up to 50,000 references. Integrate with Microsoft Word to properly cite and format your paper. Choose from the 21 most popular bibliography formats, including MLA and APA styles.

Available online from any Internet browser. Endnote Web Page


Access / Download

Students, Faculty, and Staff:

EndNote may be accessed online by students, faculty, and staff on any UTEP or personally owned computer. There are no other license agreements at UTEP.

Endnote Basic:

EndNote Basic is free online for all users and computers.

Endnote Basic Free Download
Download Instructions (UTEP Library)

Endnote Full Version:

The full version of EndNote for Windows or Mac OS may be purchased by students and faculty/staff.

Purchase EndNote


 Help & Support

If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact us at UTEP Technology Support.

UTEP Library Room 300



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