Cheu Appointed to Committee for Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
August 06, 2009
Dr. Kelvin Cheu, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso has been appointed to serve on a committee for the Transportation Research Board.
The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies coordinates research and disseminates information among the state department of transportation, federal agencies and other stakeholders. The annual meeting will take place in Washington D.C. in January, 2010.
Dr. Cheu has been appointed as the paper review coordinator for the Committee of Critical Transportation Infrastructure Protection. Formed after 9/11, the committee is responsible for transportation security. He is also a member of the New Public Transportation and Technology Committee, which he has served on since 2005.
“My responsibility is to screen the paper, coordinate the review, and make a recommendation to the committee on presentation or publication in the journal,” said Cheu. “All papers dealing with transportation security will be reviewed by this committee. On average, 50% of the papers will be accepted for presentation at the annual meeting and the top 25% will be published in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Board.”
An important event for researchers and transportation engineers, the annual meeting covers all transportation modes and typically has more 9,000 participants and receives more than 3,000 paper submissions.
For more information on the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting visit their website.