Research Support Services
Funding Opportunities
- AFRL - Research and Development for Electro-Optical Frequency Sensors (RADERS)
- AFRL - Sensor Innovative Research
- NSF - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) Active Funding Opportunities
- NSF - Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Active Funding Opportunities
- NSF - Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Active Funding Opportunities
- ORSP Current Solicitations
NSF CAREER or DoD YIP Proposals Development
In 2014-2015, the Dean's Office in the College of Engineering launched an initiative to provide support to young faculty in the development of their NSF CAREER proposals, and potentially also their young investigator proposals (YIP) to the DoD. Coordination occurred on a number of levels which included feedback on the proposals solicited through both internal ORSP reviewers, specifically Dr. Steve Aley and Flo Dick and external technical reviewers provided by the PIs; Dr. Sandra Aguirre-Covarrubias also assisted in the coordination of the reviews. In addition, in the Fall of 2014, with support from the college and ORSP, Dr. Kaul took a group of young faculty from the COE to Washington D.C., so they could meet with potential PMs from the NSF, DoD, DOE and other federal agencies. It is expected that this initiative will continue on an annual or need-basis, with the proposal preparation process starting as early as late Fall, for submission in the following year. Faculty from the college who are interested in submitting their NSF CAREER or YIP proposals are encouraged to contact Dr. Kaul or Ms. Paulina Alvarado.
Research Infrastructure
Relevant Events & Workshop
- Army Research Labs Open Campus Event
- Grant Training Center - In Person Workshops
- National Science Foundation Navigation
- NSF US EU Workshop
- UTEP Graduate School Events