NSF Funds Grant to Enhance Student Learning of Applied Quantum Mechanics
September 09, 2009
Photo courtesy of UTEP
The University of Texas at El Paso College of Engineering announces the award of a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund the development of an applied Quantum Mechanics Course for Electrical Engineers. Dr. Stella Quiñones, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with Dr. Ben Flores and Dr. Greg Lush, will implement the new junior-level course in the Spring 2010 semester. The Applied Quantum Mechanics Course for Electrical Engineers will be aligned to two existing courses that introduce concepts on related wave behavior and quantum theory. The addition of this third course in the upper division curriculum will allow students to make the connections between Electromagnetic Field Theory, Electronic Devices, and Quantum Mechanics providing a more cohesive background in the areas and an extended coverage in upper division solid state device courses. Educational tools, such as a spiral teaching model, peer led team learning, and software visualization, will be used to introduce and reinforce fundamental applied quantum concepts. The course material will be developed in conjunction with the NSF-funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) and incorporated into the NanoHUB website, which is a well-established educational resource.