Group Photos:
Tickets for Family & Guests: Pick up two (2) tickets April 29 - May 3, 2024, at the Engineering Edge Center, Room E-201B. Tickets not picked up will be distributed on Monday, May 6, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Regalia: All students must wear regalia which includes cap & gown. Refer to the UTEP Commencement FAQ webpage on how to purchase regalia.
Check-in: Arrive at least 90 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony to receive your name card and ring. Further instructions will be given at that time.
Group Photos: Arrive 30 minutes prior to your Department’s group photo time.
Group and individual photos will be taken by a professional photographer from GradImages. Inquiries? Contact their Customer Service Department at (800) 261-2576, online at www.gradimages.com, or email ecc.giservice@gradimages.net.
Lost or Stolen Rings: Visit the Order of the Engineer website.
Questions & Concerns: Email engineer@utep.edu.
Tickets: Tickets will be distributed to students to share with family and friends. Family and friends with tickets will be able to enter the auditorium one hour prior to the start of the ceremony. Should seats remain after the ceremony has started, non-ticket holders will be allowed entry.
Seats: Seats will be assigned as you come in. Holding seats will not be allowed. Please review the University’s Clear Bag Policy - Política de Bolsa Transparente and Prohibited Items - Articulos Prohibidos and leave strollers and carriages in your car.
Parking: Family and friends are encouraged to use the Sun Bowl Parking Garage (see building #214 on map).
Photos: A professional photographer will be on-site taking department group photos with faculty and students, photos of individual students crossing stage and headshot photos immediately after. We ask that you avoid interruption of these photos.
Tickets: Faculty do not need tickets for this ceremony.
Regalia: Regalia should be worn for the group photo and ceremony.
Group Photos: Arrive 10 minutes prior to your Department’s group photo time.
Faculty Speakers: Report to the lobby of Magoffin Auditorium 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.
Undergraduate students interested in volunteering to serve as ushers should contact ninjaneer@utep.edu.
Initiates have taken the oath to accept the Obligation of an Engineer voluntarily, pledge to uphold the standards and dignity of the engineering profession and to serve humanity by making the best use of Earth’s precious wealth.
The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer. The Order is not a membership organization; there are never any meetings to attend or dues to pay. Instead, the Order fosters a unity of purpose and the honoring of one’s pledge lifelong.
The Engineer’s Ring in the United States is a stainless steel ring, worn on the fifth finger of the working hand by engineers who have accepted the Obligation of an Engineer in a Ring Ceremony. The Ring is a symbol of pride, prestige, honor, and professionalism amongst all engineers in the United States and serves as a reminder to engineers of their obligation to society.
Link #117 was established at The University of Texas at El Paso College of Engineering in 1990, by past faculty members Charles Turner, Ph.D., Paul Hassler, Ph.D., Hector Lopez, Ph.D.