Frequently Asked Questions: Computers
#01: I need help with my computer. What do I do?
If you need assistance with your UTEP-assigned computer and are a College of Liberal Arts Faculty or Staff member, please contact the appropriate technology person via phone or email. Please describe the issue and, if possible, include the UTEP tag # (a 6-digit number) of your equipment.
Please visit the Computing Equipment page for details.
#02: I need certain software installed on my computer. How do I get it?
If the software you need is part of a UTEP license agreement , it may be installed at low- to no-cost on your UTEP-assigned computer(s). If it isn't, your department must purchase it for you. Please contact the TIM to begin the process.
#03: I need help with my personal computer. Can you assist?
Technology Personnel will only work on UTEP-owned equipment (equipment with a UTEP tag number) or on College of Liberal Arts-owned equipment (LART tag number) that belongs to a College of Liberal Arts Unit Code and that is used for college-related business. For help with personally-owned equipment (personal laptops, grant computers, etc.), please contact Technology Support's Computer Clinic for options.
#04: My UTEP computer is old and slow. Can I get a new one?
If your department/program is willing and able to purchase a new computer for you, please contact the TIM for a consultation. If a new computer cannot be purchased, the old computer may qualify for PC Replacement . If it isn't eligible (or PC Replacement funds are unavailable), it can be re-imaged or it can be replaced with a "not-as-old" model from the College. Also, its components may be upgraded (memory, storage, etc.) at departmental cost.
See the "Service" section of the Computing Equipment page for details.
#05: I don't have a computer! How do I get one?
Your department/program is responsible for providing you with computing equipment for your instructional/institutional needs. If they are unable to do so, Technology Support may be able to assist you with a check-out laptop . If they are unable to issue you a laptop, the College of Liberal Arts has several short-term loaners. If all options have been exhausted, the College has access to older, recycled/refurbished computer systems that can be provided to departments/programs free of charge on a per-need basis. Please contact the TIM for details.
#06: I need to access UTEP resources from home. How do I set that up?
Certain resources are blocked from being accessed outside the UTEP network (as of September 2019, they include PeopleSoft , Webmail , Banner and any access to UTEP servers). In order to access these systems from the outside, the GlobalProtect VPN software must be installed on your device and your UTEP account must be configured for DUO two-factor authentication (2FA). The Technology Personnel can assist you in getting them set up or you can contact the Helpdesk .
#07: I don't like having to press "Ctrl+Alt+Del" to log in to my Windows computer. Can I change it?
This behavior is by design on Windows computers. It is in place to minimize the risk of stolen login passwords .
#08: I have to type my username every time I log in to my PC laptop. Can I change it to be like my desktop, which has my name on it?
This behavior is by design. Your laptop, being a mobile device, is more susceptible to loss or theft than a desktop computer. Although your laptop's hard drive is encrypted, by not showing your username at the login screen, the chances of your account being used to hack into a lost or stolen laptop are greatly reduced.
#09: I want "admin rights" to my computer.
The College of Liberal Arts Technology Personnel take information security seriously and will not grant administrator rights to end users for computers belonging to the college. Granting administrative rights to end users is an extremely large security risk for virus , malware and/or ransomware infections, especially if you have access to confidential, sensitive, and/or department-critical data. UTEP data integrity is placed at high risk when end users use their UTEP-assigned computers with administrator rights.
#10: No, I really need admin rights to my computer!
If you must have admin rights to your computer, please place a call with the UTEP Helpdesk (x4357 or for them to wipe your computer and install the standard UTEP image on it, requesting admin rights on it. At that time, the College of Liberal Arts will renounce any and all liability for that particular computer, its Technology Personnel will no longer service it, and it will be blocked from accessing College/Departmental data for security reasons. All maintenance for it will have to be routed through the UTEP Helpdesk.
#11: But I have a Mac! Isn't it okay to get admin rights on Macs?
Apple macOS systems can still get infected with viruses and malware . Using macOS systems with administrative rights exacerbates the possibility of infection. If you need to perform maintenance or install software on your Mac, please use the Privileges app.
#12: If I can't have admin rights, how do I configure my computer?
Your computer is configured to get its settings from the network. If you need to have special software installed or for maintenance to be done on it, please contact the College's Technology Personnel and they will gladly schedule an appointment with you to assist you. For common software installations (Adobe Acrobat, etc.), you can self-install applications by launching "Software Center" on Windows or "Self Service" on macOS and following the instructions. Additionally, on macOS, you can use the Privileges app.
#13: My department just got a new network printer and I need help connecting my computer to it. What do I do?
Please contact the College's Technology Personnel so that they can be present and enter admin credentials when the technician from the contracting company (Spectrum as of Fiscal Year 2019) comes to your computer to set up the network printer. Any questions regarding PINs, access codes, etc., must be routed to the technician and/or departmental admins.
#14: I need to purchase computing equipment for my department. Who should I contact?
Please contact the Technology Personnel for a mandatory consultation. Once a solution to your needs has been identified, your department's Administrative Assistant will continue the process.
See the "Purchase" section of the Computing Equipment page for details.
#15: I need to borrow a laptop for a conference/travel. How do I get one?
The College of Liberal Arts has several loaner laptops and travel laptops available. Please contact the TIM for details.
#17: My monitor/hard drive/keyboard/mouse is failing. Can I get a replacement?
If your computer is still under warranty, the failing part may be exchanged free of charge by the manufacturer. Please contact the TIM with your computer's UTEP tag number in order to check its status. If the computer is out of warranty (or it has different peripherals), the College has access to generic monitors (DVI/VGA), old mechanical hard drives, and wired PC keyboards and mice, free of charge. If you would like something specific (custom displays with HDMI/DisplayPort interfaces, solid-state drives (SSDs), wireless tech, Apple keyboards or mice, special dongles/adapters, etc.), your department must cover the replacement/purchase costs.
See the "Repair" section of the Computing Equipment page for details.
#18: I would like to use a 2nd monitor with my computer. Where can I get one?
If you have something particular in mind, please contact your Admin Assistant about your department purchasing one for you. If one cannot be purchased for you, the College routinely picks up old monitors from Surplus. Please contact the Technology Personnel for details. The only cost to your department would be the cost of the video cable (only for HDMI or DisplayPort cables -- DVI or VGA cables are available free of charge) or any specialty dongles needed as Surplus monitors do not come with any cabling or dongles.
#19: How can I check if my computer is eligible for the PC Replacement program?
If the computer is older than 4 years, is a UTEP faculty/staff members's primary work computer, is not listed as missing or stolen, and was not purchased with special funds, it is generally eligible for PC Replacement. Please visit in for complete details.
#20: My computer/laptop/projector was stolen and/or is missing. What do I have to do?
If the equipment was stolen, the following must be completed within 24 hours of the theft:
- contact UTEP Police and request a "Campus Police Incident Report"
- complete and submit a "Missing/Stolen Property" form
- contact the TIM
If the equipment is missing:
- contact the Technology Personnel to confirm that the equipment in question is indeed missing
- if confirmed missing, complete and submit a "Missing/Stolen Property" form
#21: I have an old computer that I no longer want. How do I get rid of it?
Please contact the Technology Personnel with the pertinent information (tag number, location, etc.) They will make an appointment to pick it up and will surplus it for your department if needed. Please visit the Transfer to Surplus page for details.