Credit, if handled wisely, is a simple tool that you can use to reach your goals. It can offer convenience, some consumer protections, the ability to purchase a home or car, and may even have certain rewards. It can, however, be expensive and many consumers struggle with excessive debt because of credit mismanagement.
Watch this video to learn about:
- Credit
- How to find and understand your credit report
- Tips to access and improve your credit score
Build and Maintain Good Credit
Watch this video to learn about:
- Four habits to establish good credit
- How good credit will save you money throughout your life
Developing Trust through Smart Credit Card Usage
Watch this video to learn about:
- How to pick the right credit card for you
- Four scenarios to use your credit card to maximize its benefits
- How to pay off your credit card quickly
Watch this video to learn about:
- Different types of credit
- Healthy spending habits
- Guidelines to follow when choosing a credit card
Watch this video to learn about:
- Personal credit
- The difference between revolving and installment credit
- Ways to fix damaged credit
Watch this video to learn about:
- Tips on smart credit card use
- Best practices when making online purchases
- Insight on how to monitor and control your account